Royal Dutch Shell A Live Discussion

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LK Hyman 03 Mar 2015

Re: Arbitrage opportunity! The jaws of the arbitrage opportunity closed somewhat in the course of the day, but someone must have made a bob or two.LKH on the flybridge wasn't that someone

LK Hyman 03 Mar 2015

Arbitrage opportunity! Today's RDSA/RDSB spread change must present a lovely opportunity to someone who reckons he knows what the sam heck is going on.LKH on the flybridge doesn't [cries of amazement]

Eadwig 22 Jan 2015

SOLD Sold my RDSA holding, though I still have a smaller holding in RDSB in my SIPP which I will likely expand if things take the RDSB sp down towards 2000p again.Reason: I still believe in Shell long-term, but things not looking too hot for oil/energy and commodities generally over the next few years, I've banked plenty of divis and I'm banking plenty of profit but I don't know if oil is just off its bottoms or still has further to fall. Iraq just put out record production, Iran is predicting $25 a barrel, OPEC is broken and can no longer hold the price - maybe this is about the 'correct' price for oil right here. If so oiler's divis may well come under pressure down the road. So, for me, time to reduce my commodity exposure and look elsewhere for an industry that isn't quite so hard to read for a year or two ... or three maybe?
