Royal Dutch Shell A Live Discussion

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lambrini girl 14 May 2015

Re: feeling happier re enter 2008

lambrini girl 13 May 2015

Re: feeling happier nailed the 2030 Low..BANG ON!!

lambrini girl 13 May 2015

Re: feeling happier expectin a bounce off 2030 soon..ex div tho so out before close..

lambrini girl 11 May 2015

Re: feeling happier back on the long term diagonal..todays low?..worth a punt 2064

lambrini girl 11 May 2015

Re: feeling happier >>target £21..within a week..<<<2095 near enuff..BANG ON!!

lambrini girl 08 May 2015

Re: feeling happier taken some off the table..will buy back later circa 2040/14:30

lambrini girl 08 May 2015

Re: feeling happier forgot to say target £21..within a week..

lambrini girl 07 May 2015

Re: feeling happier I shouldnt even be sharing this one...been told to keep it take advantage..

itssoconfusing 07 May 2015

Re: feeling happier lgDo you have a spare magic gadget....seriously?itsso...

lambrini girl 07 May 2015

Re: feeling happier dont be tempted YET..hold off buying till 2030s<<<BANG ON!! get stuck in..

itssoconfusing 07 May 2015

Re: feeling happier TNITetcI've never understood trading. I don't actually trade much. Unless market is going to sell oil soon and sells O&G sector in advance.itsso...BTW my nickname is not as is for no reason.

This Nickname has been taken 07 May 2015

Re: feeling happier and shareprice dropping, go figure :/

itssoconfusing 06 May 2015

Re: feeling happier lgOil keeps marching on so sticking here. See if we can close sometime soon above 21.16 pps.Keep your gadget plugged in.Take careitsso...

lambrini girl 06 May 2015

Re: feeling happier dont be tempted YET..hold off buying till 2030s

itssoconfusing 05 May 2015

feeling happier guysa close in next few days above 21.16 v.v. good.itsso...IMHO DYOR etc
