Royal Dutch Shell A Live Discussion

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AJCB 15 May 2015

Re: feeling happier ItsoYes, agreed.AJCB

itssoconfusing 15 May 2015

Re: feeling happier guysgive it a rest....please.itsso

AJCB 15 May 2015

Re: feeling happier "u one of them"I have no idea what you mean by that. Maybe you mean someone who can string a meaningful sentence together?In any event, do you think I give a flying fahuja what you think? BANG ON.AJCB

lambrini girl 15 May 2015

Re: feeling happier Oh I see ..u one of them..well had u invested the min£1 pip on DOW u would have earned £200 had u played say £10 pip(£20K exp) on RDSA u would have at least same again...

AJCB 15 May 2015

Re: feeling happier Lambrini Girl,You seem a little bit over sensitive. I said that I struggle to see any value in your posts. I didn't say they are of no value. There well may be other people out there who hold great store in your views, and good luck to them (and you). But your posts have no value to me.Best,AJCB

lambrini girl 15 May 2015

Re: feeling happier I wont bother with the long term numbers either..after giving RDSB a buy a £20 and a SEll @ £26 last year.''.this is of no value''

lambrini girl 15 May 2015

Re: feeling happier after tellin u to buy @ 2030 sell @ 2043 on Weds Buy @ 2008 sell @ 2027 on Thurs..I WONT be giving Todays numbers..''because its of no value''

lambrini girl 15 May 2015

Re: feeling happier Dow up 190 odd points BANG ON.I struggle to see any value in your posts Lambrini Girl.<<<IF u read my posts U would see on Wednesday I put a DOW BUY/pivot @ 18050..BANG ON!!...I said yesterday SELL RDSA @ 2027...BANG ON!!..and yes Im expecting a decent drop on DOW..when I posted this was at 18230(ish) U DONT see any value..well please let me know your thoughts..

AJCB 15 May 2015

Re: feeling happier "dow shudd drop"Dow up 190 odd points BANG ON.I struggle to see any value in your posts Lambrini Girl.Kindest regards,AJCB

lambrini girl 14 May 2015

Re: feeling happier >>remember to allow for the bid/offer spread<<<so u want me to put 100's of entries here to allow for every companies spread/fees...theres no pleasin some folk..this is why I seldom post numbers cos it drags ALL the losers outta the woodwork..perhaps tomorrow YOU can provide both the mornin then afternoon LOWS..thought not..u wouldnt no where to start..

Damp Seaweed 14 May 2015

Re: feeling happier Great bit of fantasy trading.If you want to add some plausibility, remember to allow for the bid/offer spread and don't just read off the historical charts.A long way off BANG ON

lambrini girl 14 May 2015

Re: feeling happier bank 2027..dow shudd drop

lambrini girl 14 May 2015

Re: feeling happier <<BANG ON!!......2015 appeals for 14:30.. be wary of the DOW tho

lambrini girl 14 May 2015

Re: feeling happier 2015 appeals for 14:30..

lambrini girl 14 May 2015

Re: feeling happier bank 2017and come back for s'after dip
