I had a reply from QFI IR on 20/9 confirming the news given 10/8 that the RSA project would commence later this year.
I see QFI IR appear to have not replied to any emails in the last few week. This is rather concerning,
On results day I expect the SP to be nearer the 3p mark as I cannot see QFI announcing any significant news.
I do not expecting any new news from the results..we have to be realistic here.
hotfinance14 - Never assume!
I have contacted QFI twice now asking if they have had any positive news from marine operators with the interim LONO complete. I have had no reply so I am assuming the answer is no.
When the SP goes up 1p within 2 hours then we will know something is happening.
Most trades for 46,800 at 3.99p.
Results in 3 weeks..should be very interesting.
What makes you think no LONO is required ?
another interesting article.
Highlander..I like his statement...I’ve heard through the grapevine that there are some bulk carrier operators moving towards putting scrubbers on their whole fleet which would suggest things are changing.
Incitatus..You have a very interesting point that I had also gave some thought. A question for the AGM.
Big 636k trade gone through..an OK type trade ?