Hard to Know what is Going on: We shall Know by end of next week what is going on I imagine. Hard to think Institutions Will shovel in 100m euros without a really really Good reason. TOR has sold Them And us a pig in a poke And has ruined us financially if the rumours turn out to be true. What hsppened to the Melody Finance renegociation. If this fell through why were we not informed. Maybe the Company used the Transocean case to mask failure to renegotiate Melody failure. In Any case 24 m required for Melody, 7m for Transocean and 8 m in Cash in bank. Thus 25m needed plus max 10 m running cost. That makes 35m. Plus lets say 5 m for Share of Barryroe drill plus 10m for Spanish Point share of drill. That makes 50m euros. Not 100m. Why Are They looking for 100m now and damaging all us small shareholders. This is all Very fishy. We must be missing something. Why not raise 50m and do appraisal drill on Barryroe and SP. Success on either Will raise share Price and thus increase capacita to equity fund With less dilution to existing shareholders
Disgraceful if true : find it hard to Believe major Institutional investors Would agree to this. Why Would they hand this Cash over to TOR after The mess he has made of all our investments. Nothing confirmed yet so We shall Have to wait And see. Will send An email tommorrow to the company
Re: PVR Stream Log Then they should have informed us as to Melody's position on loan!
Hello Phonner Agree With You. There is absolutely no reason to raise in excess of 100m euros. 30milllon max. So this must be Farmout, asset sale, stake sale or some combination of the three perhaps accompanied By the raising of equity after Share Price has ris en considerably. I cannot See any of the present shareholders agreeing to put in excess of 100m or being forced to choose between dilution or investment. Something major Going on in any case.
Hello Lastcall The Article mentions An amount in excess of 100m euros. This must be On the Back of Farm Out or perhaps a sale of a stake in Providence To Schlumberger For example. Another possibility Is the announcement of plan to drill Barryroe with important partners and the issue of shares thereafter at a considerably higher price. I cannot See Any of the present shareholders putting in 100m euros after the recent history of failures or allowing themselves to be diluted into oblivion. Something else Is going on here. I suspect a farmout or a sale of a stake in company to 3rd party
Whitegate Deal close [link]
Morning Haribo Circle in a mess. So Jimmy not such a Guru after all. Believe Providence is in a different situation. Company will release RNS in comming weeks I was told yesterday. See Whitegate sale is Close to conclusion. Interesting !!!!. Atlantic Licence second round due next week. TOR was recently in Heuston. Schlumberger have headquarters there !!!. Fingers crossed for the outcome. Believe suspension was to protect shareholders pending Deal conclusion
Hello Sharemate Broeflowspecu: Imagine Jimmy has got shares in Circle unlike Providence. And Broeflowspecu believe news will be better Than most expect
Email This Morning to Providence: Believe the situation will turn out better than many expect. Obviously not in default as this would have to be announced. Update from Providence: regarding Melody, AGM and Preliminary result dates. Response: company hopes to address these issues by way of press release in comming weeks
Update: Sent an email to Providence requesting update regarding Melody, AGM and Preliminary result dates. Response: company hopes to address these issues by way of press release in comming weeks
Positive view: Believe we will See one of the following shortly. 1: Farm Out of Barryroe. 2: An investor taking. Circa 25% stake in Providence (for 40/50m). 3: A Deal to drill Barryroe for oil and gas ( this News Would be acompanied By plans for An equity issue to Pay debts and fund part of drill). Any Deal to drill Would cause share price to rise and make fund raise easier. Supply Worldwide is starting to fall and oil price narrowing contango plus stable futures price is moving things in our favour.
Goldman Sachs bullish on Oil: [link]
San Leon to issue shares [link]
Might spend up a deal: [link]
Positive again: Jimmy for someone who has no shares in Providence You are up very late giving us your as always positive opinion On Providence. Hard to understand what keeps You up writing about Providence at this time of night. Interestingly you suggest that a third Party could come in If We are all lucky and take shares at a deep discount. Strangely we Don't hear You mentioning problems in such a scenario with Providence's asset portfolio. So You seem to be contradicting yourself slightly and likely Would be happy if such a scenario came to pass