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14:44 22/06/2016

Davy were up beat when they valued each share at a potential

12:34 22/06/2016

agreed! we were nearly bust. i will probably never see all my money again. but hopefully i will see a bigger percentage of it again. giddy up y'all onto the next big hole in the ground...

10:49 22/06/2016

Yes indeed, there would have been some sort of agreement why they didnt persue that option. Moreover current shareholders been restricted in open offer, only iis can participate in placing etc

10:29 22/06/2016

Bullseye, read the Dec RNS again. As I highlighted twice before they agreed the "basis" for a rollover, not a rollover.

10:02 22/06/2016

In december they agreed debt extension with Melody why did board opt to repay by diluting asset.

09:25 22/06/2016

Where does this leave Lansdowne ?? Markets not fooled

08:14 22/06/2016

muted reaction so far....

06:55 22/06/2016
06:55 22/06/2016

Lots of coverage in the Irish papers as you would expect. [link]

00:40 22/06/2016

and salaries Jimmy, and salaries