Mamms would say did a Sterling Euro Swap at 1.2666 i.e The placement terms 12 p to 15.2 cents. The Market rate at the time of the announcement was 1.300. So obviously with comission For a forward swap came in at 1.2666. So We Would be protected from currency volatility
I feel the same way to be honest Desperate. The company has never being in a better position than it is now (at the expense of the existing shareholders). As I have said before, someday this share will come good, the question is, who will be holding the shares when that happens.
My current investment/gambling strategy with PVR which is "in for a penny in for a pound" will mean I will take-up offer - wrongly or rightly!
I think I will take a little bit of the open offer, and then take the change that the price will go below the open offer price in a couple of weeks. I hope that it doesn't, but there is a good chance that small investors like myself will be able to pick up shares below the offer price.
And not only purchasex at 12p but 10 times the initial volume approx at 12p
And not only purchased at 12p but purchased approx a multiple of 10 of the volume at 12p. Oh the company should hold some promise for them alright.
Market has moved away from me who purchased at £2 and towards placees who purchase at 12p
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