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12:59 26/06/2016

Does anyone have access?

12:59 26/06/2016
11:57 26/06/2016

Mamms would say did a Sterling Euro Swap at 1.2666 i.e The placement terms 12 p to 15.2 cents. The Market rate at the time of the announcement was 1.300. So obviously with comission For a forward swap came in at 1.2666. So We Would be protected from currency volatility

18:10 25/06/2016

I feel the same way to be honest Desperate. The company has never being in a better position than it is now (at the expense of the existing shareholders). As I have said before, someday this share will come good, the question is, who will be holding the shares when that happens.

18:02 25/06/2016

My current investment/gambling strategy with PVR which is "in for a penny in for a pound" will mean I will take-up offer - wrongly or rightly!

17:46 25/06/2016

I think I will take a little bit of the open offer, and then take the change that the price will go below the open offer price in a couple of weeks. I hope that it doesn't, but there is a good chance that small investors like myself will be able to pick up shares below the offer price.

17:27 24/06/2016

Things should be ok for placees alright

17:26 24/06/2016

And not only purchasex at 12p but 10 times the initial volume approx at 12p

17:25 24/06/2016

And not only purchased at 12p but purchased approx a multiple of 10 of the volume at 12p. Oh the company should hold some promise for them alright.

17:14 24/06/2016

Market has moved away from me who purchased at £2 and towards placees who purchase at 12p