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07:01 03/07/2016

I have'nt the full story here as you have to buy the newspaper. [link]

06:57 03/07/2016

Good to see him upping his stake in the company. [link]

10:58 02/07/2016

Surely the same could be said of you Jimmy!

20:45 30/06/2016

US$240m raised and only circa US$40m left in the bank after this fundraise. We must be carrying a tax credit.of over US$150m which must have a significant value to Shell once they use up all their tax credits.

20:15 30/06/2016

Someone struck pay dirt! Unfortunately it wasnt pvr shareholders. Just the person we pay to run it into the ground.[link]

18:18 30/06/2016

Anyone have plans to make AGM this year?

12:25 30/06/2016

Haven't we heard it all before? "Buy these shares now! Farmout is imminent!" Surely he has to come up with a better sales tactic then that. As George Bush put it "Fool me once, Shame on me, Fool me twice.. uh.. You can't fool me twice"

16:07 29/06/2016

I sure hope he is not intending drilling Druid without a partner. Why would PVR even consider proviing the Atlantic Margin for all the big caps? Surely it should wait for one of them to prove it!

12:07 29/06/2016
12:07 29/06/2016

doesn't that mean we have farmed out Offshore Petroleum Lease 1 (OPL 1) South Option, North Celtic Sea Basin

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