Providence Resources Forum

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13:52 14/07/2016

See one large placer Took 15m dollars of shares. Wonder who that is.

11:59 14/07/2016

god. i've become so cynical. need to focus on something else..

11:58 14/07/2016

if tony is taking a pay cut then we must be close to a deal. since I am sure the deal will involve a bonus for him in which case the pay cut is token.

11:51 14/07/2016

Tony takes a twenty percent cut in pay ontill there is a farmout of Barryroe. [link]

11:46 14/07/2016

Low take up of the open offer: [link]

11:44 14/07/2016

I was thinking that myself Haribo. They will not like being called a penny stock. Would be great to see Cantor price target sometime: [link]

11:37 14/07/2016

Says it all really. Penny stock! And cantor still pumping it up with 175% increase. They have to be liable for some kind if fraud. 😞

08:29 14/07/2016

Penny stock with potential: [link]

15:45 13/07/2016

Does anyone has info about Newgrange location, its high risk due to reservoir just 500m below waterlevel. Would like to hear why did majors opt around Newgrange; Jimmy looks like has technical info but he didnt answer

BlackRock cuts stake in new blow for Providence
It reduced its stake in Providence Resources, led by Tony O’Reilly junior, to 3.4 per cent

Sat, Apr 16, 2016, 010

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