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13:49 28/07/2016

Hi Mamms, my opinion is that they are backing shulemberger not TOR this time round. hence the money is to be used to drill druid and not barryroe. i hope there is actually oil out there and not a dud like dunquinn. else we are definitely bust. last through of the dice no doubts.

20:48 27/07/2016

They are a shower of liars no doubt. Yes it is there in black and white. Well needed to confirm there is no compartmentalisation. First time it has been said though yes jimmy said as much. so even in that presentation he had with the oil man he said there was nothing wrong with barryroe - again that was a lie. transocean was a lie by omission. melody - we have renegotiated the loan was a lie. a deal is imminent - another lie. over and over again. he wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and bit him.

16:21 27/07/2016

Whitegate Oil Refinery is understood to be sold. Looks like it may only be used as storage, which would mean that jobs would be lost. A good incentive for the government to see Barryroe opened up as a oil field. [link]

17:33 26/07/2016

That kind of valuation & risk makes this share price very unattractive.

14:16 26/07/2016

Thanks Mamms for the feedback we live in hope i guess.

21:46 25/07/2016

If Druid was to be drilled successfully & 3 billion barrels of recoverable oil were actually discovered what would the company be valued at? I understand thats a lot of ifs.

14:39 23/07/2016

I would say RNS info would be more accurate regarding director holdings, they have the obligation to disclose through RNS

09:58 23/07/2016

wow! all the directors must also be members of the audit and remuneration committees. - explains a lot..

09:57 23/07/2016

While ISS recommends that company boards should have at least two independent non-executive directors, excluding the chairman, no-one on the board can be classified as independent, it said.

09:15 22/07/2016
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