Believe this is more likely to be the case 2017/18/19
I imagine that Barryroe in not some oil field in Saudi Arabia, but at the same time Sequa were going to invest there money there, and Oil India were going to buy the entire company. I am sure Barryroe is not straight forward, but what oil fields are when it comes to drilling at sea. Hopefully they will be able to do a farmout this year, as it would help with the future drilling of Druid, and Lansdowne's future as a company completely relies on that happening.
Hello Sharemate. Spoke to the Chairman of the board. The company was looking to refinance melody portion with melody but Transocean court case screwed things up. Also thought they would have a deal earlier on Barryroe
Also did anyone ask management why they took such harsh decision to dilute at low stock price
Thank you Spuddy, did you able to speak to JOS; what questions did u pose to management and their feedback. What made you to say Barryroe is bigger? They keep telling us for years
Interesting article in the Phoenix magazine about Providence. It mentions the rough ride shareholders have being on, and the fact that they should have drilled in Barryroe in 2012 when they had the money and oil was very high. Also mentioned are some interesting facts about Barryroe which go something like this. Barryroe is a huge field of about one billion barrels of oil and has a 35% recovery rate, capable of producing 350 million barrels of oil which is worth, at fifty dollars a barrel, over 17 billion dollars. The problem with Barryroe had been that the oil had a very high (20%) wax content. In the earlier wells drilled as the oil came up the pipe and the temperature quickly dropped, the wax actually slowed down the flow rate as it congealed. Using the newly invented insulated drill pipe, this did not happen and the flow-rate quadrupled to over 6,000 barrels of oil equivalent. Moreover, it was discovered that the wax itself could be recovered and that it had significant value in its own right once the logistics of handling it were worked out.
Was at the meeting yesterday and spoke to Chairman after. BOD were positive and upbeat. I Would not be so negative as alot of fellow commentators are here. In fact Believe things are better Than they have been for a good while. Yes Barryroe needs some further testing. However It was explained that the side Well test was scuppered By the Transocean debacle With a bad rig. This was Transoceans fault. It was Transocean Who Took Providence to court originally for non payment and not vice versa. Jimmy's view that There May be some faulting inside Barryroe Is Just that a view. In fact the information (New) released yesterday point to no problems with faulting. However the next appraisal drill or rentering this capped drill can Allow for flow tests. Oil quality excellent and no problems with extraction. New info points to Barryroe being bigger Than first thought. Druid and Drombeg massive prospects. Newgrange another giant. Spanish Point in the mix as Well. Bit if patience and some Luck Will See fortunes change
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