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08:08 09/08/2016

Interesting that the day Exxon and ENI do a major Deal over gas in África Exxon pulls Out of Dunquin South passing control of Field to ENI. Maybe Eni asked for this as part of Deal. It Would seem strange that on the day they do a major Deal Exxon Would pull out of Dunquin without ENI being awRe

19:02 08/08/2016

what a croc..............

13:02 08/08/2016

This time around It is Hard to See M&G And the Capital group not Keeping a Close eyes On things. They own 25% of the company having seen a sizeable chunk of their investment Going to Pay off debt before Any drilling has taken place. So I cannot imagine they invested this Money Just For a wildcat drill at Druid or just because the Like TOR. A story must Have Been told. They will see If the result marches the story. It is easy to see why most in Blogger Board are unhappy and fed up. However even with all the gloom I think things will turn around

12:21 08/08/2016

Well it is a certainly excellent critique. Unfortunately it is about 3 years too late for me. The real question is why have all of these issues not surfaced sooner. Anyway I believe Barryroe is dead. I don't believe it ever had a chance and I think the managment have known that for a while. As the report makes clear they are all buddies. And on one is going to spill the beans on their buddies and kill the cash cow that is PVR. I believe our only hope lies with Druid. And then we are bust - if that fails.

12:16 08/08/2016

Bravo Tony creating shareholder value at every opportunity. Roll on the next placing devaluation the name of the game here.

13:26 06/08/2016

The good thing about Whitegate being sold and the refinery being kept on, is that it gives another plus for anyone thinking of taking a stake in Barryroe.

17:45 03/08/2016


Company won't comment on where the oil for refinery Will come From. Bet Barryroe is a possibility

13:09 03/08/2016

Local radio says..Whitegate sold to canadian firm. 160 jobs to be retained.

12:32 03/08/2016

loadsa birds in the bush.... i can but dream!

12:31 03/08/2016
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