The only way the share price has moved here with the last 3 years is down. Why would one expect any differently nobody believes the boy who cried wolf any more.
Shocking that post this news share price has weakened. Only eyewitnesses of actual oil flowing will believe TOR I suspect. What an ass.
I still think Druid is madness - PVR proving up the area for all the majors also holding acreage is ridiculous. Why would someone farm in when they already have surrounding acreage and will see the upside from a Druid success. If no success they can just walk away with zero $s lost.
Someone is selling aggressively. God knows where Tony will lead us, is there any truth with all hype people are dipping there toes.
Nobody thinks it is Strange that Jimmy who has no shares in Providence spends so much time commenting and looking for all potential-hypothetical negatives he can imagine. Why does he do it. The rest of Us Providence investors are positive some days and negative other days it is natural. Buy Jimmy just keeps shoveling the dirt. There is more to Jimmy Than meets the eye. Maybe someday he Will explain the reasons for his tremendous interest and his overbearing negativity to us.
Doubt Well Management company Would be engaged if Sosina did not Have funds. So I think today's press release is good news. Also believe Barryroe FO Will be done before Christmas. Think Irving oil are tied up in the equation some how, a Deal of some sort on Barryroe Will boost share price. Cost to drill Drombeg is approx 25 million dollars with 22 millón for Newgrange. This could be raised on the farm out of Barryroe (expected Rising Share Price) or else through a FO of Druid, drombeg and or Newgrange. Believe things are Looking up.
i read somewhere they had enough to drill druid but not drombeg. were hoping for a farmout for that.. i wonder is jimmy still not a shareholder??
Surely this piece of news is worth a penny or two
they are probably still recovering from the party!
Money collected from the fund raise and all goes quiet once again... This is becoming all too predictable...
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