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21:02 12/09/2016

Would think twice before wipping Bum with Providence shares. Stink around here From The dodgy dealings To date. However believe a Deal On Barryroe Will be closed before Christmas - at least for gas. Irving Oil May be a party to a Deal. Cannot believe Big Investors handed over 70 m dollars to pay off 25m in debt And Finance One risky drill in Atlantic. Believe the 25 m Payment For debt could only be secured With some sort of guarantee. The guarantee I believe was strong indications on a barryroe deal.

18:45 12/09/2016

sorry. don't mean to be crude. just reminds me of the scene in homer simpson where the guy in the which has fallen from great heights to zero is using the company shares as toilet paper.

18:45 12/09/2016

yes i often think i should have used the money to buy toilet paper. it would have had more long term value! at least i would have got some use out of it...

15:28 12/09/2016

I could buy all that furniture twice, burn it, and still be significantly better off had I not invested in this joke of a company

23:01 11/09/2016

Is it good enough news to increase SP, that's all I care about - is it worth 1p or even 2p in the morning. Maybe it was Irving "buying" during the week. I suspect if they were realy interested in BROE they could pick up 30% of PVR for 15p a share pretty quickly.

12:49 10/09/2016

Great News That Irving Oil has purchased Whitegate. Presently much of oil refined There comes From North Sea. Some years ago Prividence had an MOU With shell For Any potential oil produced at Barryroe. I Would imagine that this oil Would Have Been sold to For consumption in Ireland. Believe Irving Will be involved now in producing oil from Barryroe. May Take part in joint venture

01:28 10/09/2016

maybe I'm missing something, but the way I see it our board have bought very few shares , yet they are extremely upbeat about our future prospects but they sre not investing, am I the only one who believes that this is a big con job by our board to keep this company alive purely for to pay salaries. All of this talk of drilling is just to keep us all on board as Mamms says its just a big punt, but hey who cares the directors who have few shares keep getting paid. The shareholders are the butt of the joke.

15:34 09/09/2016

These are not buys the share price is dropping not rising.

14:41 09/09/2016

I question the comment that these are buys. All buys include sells and if driven by a "buyer" the SP would have moved upwards.

07:02 09/09/2016

I am afraid not Haribo. I think with the lottery you are actually buying some small little bit of hope for a couple of days before the draw, so you are getting something for your money.

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