Good to see Richard Jennings back again with another piece about Providence. He still would like to boot Tony out of the company, but is upbeat about Providence itself:[link]
Don't think T5 Will rto into Providence. Do Believe that T 5 Will RTO into Landsdowne Maybe taking thereafter a percentage if exola as well.
minus a farm out that provides cash flow for the company..then roll on the next fund raise while they blow what they have in the bank drilling holes.. This will probably recover but will it even matter.. more shares issued and I'd imagine might go the opposite way.. you'll get back 1 for 10..
would be nice. lord knows we have waited long enough.
Whatever the ins and outs of buying shares, at least he has brought them and that is a positive sign in the longer term at the ever least. [link]
While I think Plunkett could point to the fact TOR has said a deal is imminent to defend against trading with more information than the general public, I don't believe he would undermine his integrity by risking that excuse. What is does definately tell us is that no deal is even at a point where there is a commercial negotiation underway.
These shares were purchased in open market. Everybody knows There Are parties in datarooom. All other Directors etc Have Been given options. Nothing illegal at all
Things get good here it better get good for everyone small and major shareholders alike. unlike Xcite
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