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16:05 08/01/2017

Saint Jimmy. Looking out for the best interests of Shareholders at Providence. Does he do this for shareholders in all companies in which he has no shares or are we at Providence the lucky ones to be rewarded With such benevolence

14:58 08/01/2017

Senn - While I am bullish, the volume was not that significant last week - it was good but not spectacular

13:57 08/01/2017

Jimmy is Very interested in Providence but has no shares in the company. Jimmy forget repeating Your Comments on Providence which are Always the Same and tell Us why You spend your valuable time writing about a company in which You have no shares. Do You write about all the companies in which You
Have no shares. Please also let us Know your Share tips You must Have some given your firm opinions. Heard You commented positively On Chariot and That is proving to be a bit of a dog. Not expecting You to respond as You have no coherent answer without some exterior motive

12:31 08/01/2017

Whichever company attended they have obligation to maintain confidentiality but to bleed company stooges will be on rampage to make a killing from the assets. Definately he has interests, he is not a sage.

12:27 08/01/2017

As i suspected for a while that Jimmy is linked to some company, which he nearly agreed recently that he have contacts with the company who attended barryroe data room.

12:07 08/01/2017

Jimmy since you keep referring to Davy reports surely you didn't miss the piece which indicated that depending on drill speed it is possible that Drombeg will be targeted within the current proposed spend on Druid, and also Newgrange.

11:51 08/01/2017

Nobody really knows the Valuation of Providence And Jimmy Is entitled to his views. However One thing that is Hard To understand is why Jimmy (Who has admittted to owning no shares in Providence) spends so much time and effort writing negatively about This company. Jimmy do You write about every Company in which You Have no shares or is this just a Providence hang up !!

22:34 07/01/2017

RNS Monday 070?

17:41 06/01/2017

22.19p - boy would I love that to be my break-even

16:37 06/01/2017

50 not 50%