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15:04 15/12/2014

Barryroe North and West: Were we ever told what was in Barryroe North Or West. Think Seismics were taken but no information given. Also I imagine Landsdowne will be looking to include Amergin in aany forthcomming drilling plan. Fastnet as well look totally undervalued with Oil and gas plays next door to Barryroe. Surely it is becoming obvious that the shale story is just another silly Bubble. Secondary Yields on Junk Bonds many of which are Energy related are widening considerably indicating that the market believes many of these Shale Producers are in financial difficulty

14:08 15/12/2014

That settles it, with the Shadow ruled out, the theory must be true !!!

13:35 15/12/2014

JREwing , You have no fear of Shadow , i'm a fool and a long time follower of O'Reilly , has cost me my pension , this is my last role of the dice , in deep also ( just like the oil ) , now the cousin Dark Shadow hes a different shade altogether, A big fan of DOB .... " Where's Denis"

13:10 15/12/2014

One thing is Certain However. There is a Company called Sequa (Barryroe) Petroleum that has an interest in OIl and Gas Production that looks at Hydrcarbon discoveries and brings them from Appraisal to development. Maybe Provience has a number of interested parties and is weighing up various scenarios

13:04 15/12/2014

JREwing like you I have also had suspicions to sully100, I have been following this board for quiet some time although have not posted, I do believe there are all sorts of interests at play here, but then again that's what goes on in discussion boards like this one.

12:57 15/12/2014

Just dont think it makes much sense as a conspiracy. I believe its a bit like who shot JR, Its all a dream your having!!

12:56 15/12/2014

Good volume so far today.

12:34 15/12/2014

Godot, the big clue is in the username Sully100

12:33 15/12/2014
12:33 15/12/2014

Chevron Quits Ukrainian Shale: