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10:01 16/12/2014

Markie, oh to be as low as you. My average buy in £1.77 / €2.22.
Planning on lowering that to £1.34 / €1.68 this week.

09:55 16/12/2014

oops hadn't finished !! LOL but my initial was for a 1.5 - 2.00 on immediate but my 1st Qtr 2015 would be more like circa £ 3 - £ 5

09:53 16/12/2014

morning JREwing i think your correct at the moment my average is circa £ 1.12,

09:48 16/12/2014

About 3 euros for me JR

09:42 16/12/2014

Desperate, nice idea on the poll and interesting to see people's expectations. Just out of curiousity, how did people vote yesterday in relation to their average buy in cost? Options HIGHER / LOWER / SAME. Me, I voted higher, but buy in price and expected price were within same range.

19:51 15/12/2014

Sorry Steel, different JR

19:21 15/12/2014

Hi JRE. Are you the JRE who I helped with HTML headers?

19:18 15/12/2014

Hi JRE. Are you the JRE who would remember me of old on another board?

17:19 15/12/2014

Ecoboy, no deal done yet, so yesterday v today not that relevant. Although would have expected higher volumes and more of an uplift today. I polled £2 to £3 but that's on the basis of just a Barryroe deal, if we had good news on Dunquin and Spanish Point, then higher figures would not be that far fetched.

17:15 15/12/2014

€0.74 yesterday. €0.84 today. Long way from high of €9 this year. The figures you've quoted seem like dreamland, boys and girls. How are we to get our money back? I followed Sir AJFOR right down the WW tube. Not pretty.