You can see the despondency most on the board had when no news was announced today. So for this amount of trading to happen makes me think something is at work. Just look at the iseq. Only Irish people buy on the iseq and normally zero trades. I think this must be leaking from solicitors offices etc in Ireland that there is a done deal
could be news at 2.30 then some big guns just bought
The year end statement is a regulatory announcement, so per their response they will have to issue. Past issue dates ranged from the 19th to 22nd of December. If they're later than that, then two conspiracies could apply i) deal nearly signed and they're hoping to include in statement ii) deal still "nearly" and "imminent" in PVR speak and RNS will be issued Christmas Day in the hope no one notices. Personally, I like the look of option i)
Perhaps, but it took almost seven hours for the reply , no action at all this morning ?
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