Not sure but may have quoted an older Sequa bond issued. Apologies, if I have, as previously stated, totally outside my area of expertise
If memory serves me correctly, Sequa appointed Aneo Capital SA to manage the issue. The bond is listed on Euronext as SEQUAORNFRN31DEC20. My understanding is that it's not underwritten by an independent party, so that only leaves Sapinda to possibly underwrite it. The bond issue is totally outside my area of expertise, so if anyone cares to contribute further, please do.
Hello JR. Was looking myself yesterday to see if any news on a bond issue but could not find anything. Normally bond issue - corporate in this case would have a lead manager i.e some entity that underwrites bonds issued. Not sure in this case if Sapinda will underwrite bonds issued or whether sequa has some bank working for them on the bond issue
Hi Spuddy, what's your knowledge of bonds/bond market like???
with a sp of 60p I think alot of people are 'speculating' that a poor deal will be done, anyway lets hope there all wrong. All the best
With that been the case they are in a better negotiating position then Jimmy puts them. I have done my figures on this. DYOR and come back to me if I am wrong please
In the event of no deal happening the board can pay the loan back and sit on the oil field for another two years fairly easily. They would loose their share of Spanish point deal but so be it.
Fencer, like Jimmy you are speculating and i emphasise 'speculating' that a poor deal will be done. That has been a common theme in Jimmys emails. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can chose with whom they reach consensus ad idem. I dont like to repeat myself so wont elaborate in defending any of my comments, i do however stand by them all. I will however reiterate that if the deal is off the table then an announcement is due, i haven't heard anything. Whether it is a good deal or a bad deal, you may be proven to be correct but all i am saying is that no-one could know other than those who are party to the deal. I think from memory the loan is secured by a floating charge.........which assets do you think they would go after should PVR default on repayment...............again this would be speculation. Good luck to you!
In the unlikely event of no deal by the time our loan becomes repayable, what happens to our rights to a multi billion dollar oil field?. Do we then lose Broe, and in that scenario with no income and very few assets, are we not either facing a major rights issue or closure by the summer.
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