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14:22 04/02/2015

Think what JB is trying to say, is that if enough people e-mail, then PVR might see the need to issue an update. While I think a deal is on the way, am very miffed that TOR made a presentation to an independent body about future drilling plans and despite requests to PVR and the SPE this presentation is not made available to the shareholders. We may have seen these plans before, but we can't be sure. Like you, I would very much like to know how bond issue went, if it helps keep checking Euronext (Sequa have 2 bonds listed) for a 3rd bond.

14:05 04/02/2015

.......and the below about bond issue is only relevant if it transpires that sequa are the definite potential farminees

14:02 04/02/2015

What is JB63 on about, bombarding them with emails, cant imagine that is going to speed the process up. As Godot says, they cant give out pertinent info other than by RNS. We have seen some 'potentially' tangible progress and things always take time to develop. What i would like to know is whether the sequa bond issue was successful

13:52 04/02/2015

Godot, don't think Tony uses that matrix. If he did, we'd be kept informed. Just trying to boost our level of power to get bumped up the matrix. Reckon if we got together we might control a percentage or two very easily.

13:04 04/02/2015

They can't give news or half updates to you. Its either an RNS or nothing.

12:51 04/02/2015

@JREwings agree with you, if an umbrella group formed they might give some importance

12:45 04/02/2015

I think using mendlows matrix we would be in the ignore column

12:39 04/02/2015

If all of us joined together under some kind of umbrella group, if we controlled enough shares would PVR have to deal with us and give updates/briefings the same way they do with institutional investors?

10:44 04/02/2015

Saw your query yesterday, think all normal trading by ii's is recorded, but private deals for large blocks of shares could be negotiated offline and these would not show up in daily trading figures. Cheers JR

10:28 04/02/2015

Very high volume today versus the last two or three weeks.