And of course if Oil was one hundred dollars a barrel, Providence's shares would be about two euro each, even if there was no promise of oil coming any time soon. You would think that we are never going to be using oil again. I think myself that this month is the low point for the price of oil and come the middle of the year we will be back up to around seventy dollars.
Hard to believe that Exxon Mobil spend over one hundred million euros drilling Dunquin last year. I know they did not find any oil, but for thirty two million euro they can buy all the acreage that Providence have around Ireland.
I'm still alive jrewing my friend. as gutted as everybody else here with pouring my cash into this company. but i see this morning that logp still refer to Barryroe as the main asset and i think if they were having doubts they would not be mentioning it. at least i hope. I'm holding, with blind faith.
Hello there JB63. On the face of things it appears that all of what you have said is true. However if it were true what does that say about the Big Institutional Investors. What does it say about Rothschilds. What does it say about The BOD. What does it say about ACC. What does it say about TOR. If it were all true there are alot of very stupid people, alot of very non-ethical behavior, alot of negligent behavior, a lot of very fraudulent behavior amongs other things. There must be something going on behind the scenes that has the big Institutional players satisfied. If we find out that we have been sold a pig in a poke I imagine that the Transocean case might not be the only legal case that Providence faces
Good morning Spuddy/Shadow. Had a quick look at that. Think cash wise, Providence will get the spread costs for the downtime. Without knowing the cost structure of a drill, can't estimate how much that is.
Morning JR Good News with Landsdowne. Did you get a chance to look at Transocean Link that was sent this morning. Court Judgement a little complex and still no idea really about how much money is being discussed. Providence Share Price a joke. What is going on. No sign of any Bonds (if Sequa is the partner). June payback date for loan approaching. Think TOR and his Board should clarify how it plans to pay for SP Drill. What a mess
Afren is busy today. Shows how quickly things can turn around for a share. Or go bad too I suppose!
I dont see where on the page it tells us the bond has been issued successfully in fact the page is identical to when i last looked at it at the beginning of February
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