Are people forgetting that there could be 300 mboe in the ground are they going even check that is there because sombody will and at 20 $ abarrel profit which is not excessive where it at a depth of 200 m. thats 6 billion profit whatever we say about pvr their pretty good at exploration remembet the porpcupine .newgrange dunquin drumbeg are huge structures and if they have oil whow.
This company has shown itself to be incapable of actually making money or creating any sort of wealth for its shareholders, why should any of us believe that this is all going to change any time soon just because the management have organised a fundraiser. This new money will keep the lights on and the high wages paid a bit longer, and thats whats really important to our board, why should they care about the share price when they haven't bought any themselves in ages, participating in this share offer is throwing good money after bad imo.
Whacker you are completely right. If oil was one hundred dollars a barrel we would not need anything to be happening, just a promise of something and I think the share price would be around two pounds just on a high oil price.
Hi Lerrab. On the positive side re Sequa, they have hired a management that has real oil and general commercial experience. They are not going to twiddle their thumbs. But there are a lot of distressed companies and assets out there to look at.
Hi Callasjunkie interesting info you have me worried lets see what happens in the couple of weeks.
....except an onland dry well in Kazakhstan.
re Lerrab: As far as I know anyone can buy up to 30% of a company without making a formal bid. Only insider trading if acting on privileged info not available to the market. But I think bloggers might be better off having a damn good look at Sequa. Why is everything on hold until their corporate bond gets away for $300m? They had a major capitalisation in June 2014 that raised €600m on the Euronext Exchange....and they havent invested in a single announced project
good luck Mmmmmm -l thought insider trading was benificial info re shares from whatever source outside the public domain which allowed the receiver whether shares were going up or down.t
I would have thought they have direct knowledge about a deal which will definitely effect the share price, in fact they are the decision maker about the deal. Would seem unfair to the public blindly trading the shares. Anyway it may not be the case. A stake in exola would be a different story, but that would be more a part of the terms of the farm in. Think i am going to do the same lerrab, in for a penny in for a pound........will help the average if nothing else..
hi everyone just purchased my full entitlement and some extra but could hsve bought have boughtt another 400,000 goodbodys are to come back to me re corp.shareholders to see if they have the same deal
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