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18:43 14/03/2015

Gentlemen I'

13:53 13/03/2015

A bit of hope from Cantor [link]

11:34 13/03/2015

Re Idiot, If you could stay in a job for years , get paid 500k per year and lose money for the company, would you be an idiot?

10:53 13/03/2015

Morning Spuddy, I hope your right. I do feel however that we need to manage our expectations with regard to the share price rise , could be a long time before this share even reaches a quid imo.

10:42 13/03/2015

Let us hope that Sequa/Sapinda is taking some of the new Shares in Providence. If so the deal in Barryroe may be quite ok

10:40 13/03/2015

I think that there is little doubt that the share price will rise if there is a broe farmout, the thing is if we have to give away alot of broe and the amount of cash we recieve is less than we would have expected, the share price rise may not be that much particularly when you factor in the extra shares being issued. I don't want to be too negative but I wouldn't be too surprised if we give away alot of broe for very little in return, and the management will come out and tell us that in this market thats the best we could expect.

09:21 13/03/2015

At least it is positive news. Just need funds for Barryroe. Believe it is coming and will be announced following EGM perhaps a week after

22:47 12/03/2015

Nice to hear some positive comments for a change. Fingers crossed. Expecting something soon after EGM

22:43 12/03/2015

O’Reilly hopes it will be a matter of weeks, or a month, until Providence can open up to the market about the deal. This quote is from 25th of February. 15 days down. two more weeks to go for news I'm thinking. maybe the best time to buy in to this is now....

10:07 12/03/2015

Morning JR. No News is good News. NO RNS on Barryroe means something is still on the cards. You never know maybe some of the IIs in the placement will also be underwriting Farminee Bond issue. Stil expect a deal to come soon enough. Think Landsdowne Placement is very good news with Major Shareholders putting money where there mouths are.