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10:52 09/04/2015

It might be slow but this seems to be walking up with little volume. Which is great to see

Believe that Barryroe Farmout will go ahead and that the possible sale or merger of Landsdowne is part of the process.

The likely buyers of Landsdowne Oil and Gas are

1: Fastnet (This would be a merger)
2: Cairn Energy (Also a Scottish outfit).
3: Sequa (As part of Barryroe Deal)
4: Petronas

Believe Fastnet under Carol Law can see the synergies between them and LOGP. After a merger the two would have a very commanding position in Celtic Sea. A merger followed by a farm out on Barryroe would give the company some cash to thereafter drill deep Kinsale and possibly Amergin. If middleton gas field is successful with PETRONAS you might see Petronas or and American Major expressing interest in the combined LOGP / Fastnet Operation. This would be enhanced if a drill at Amergin or Deep Kinsale comes up a success.

Cairn Energy also a very likely suitor. Cairn could buy LOGP for lets say 80 Euros by issuing approx. 30m shares. Thereafter could give some up front cash payment to Providence for a Farm in to more of Barryroe. This cash could then be used by Providence to drill Spanish Point with Cairn. Providence could pass additional % holding of SP to Cairn before drilling there. Cairn need to add to its reserves. An easy way and a very high chance of success for them would be to take the path mentioned. Watch this space.

Finally Sequa and Petronas must be in the picture as well

18:38 08/04/2015

What do we make of this. Over four million shares traded on the Iseq and most in one go. [link]

16:57 08/04/2015

Apparently the market cap of PVR is £40m........they must nearly have that in the bank. It would seem the market is valuing all the prospects at nothing

09:44 08/04/2015

i guess they will have to price barryroe as part of the sale process. bg and shell also in talks. might see start of oil and gas merger spree

13:10 07/04/2015

maybe he offered too little piece balliroe. And at the same time wanted too much money. on the basis of 1.6 billion barrels of oil for 5 euros you can not buy, but now when the company is on the brink of survival, it is a little temper its appetite

13:12 06/04/2015

Oil onto the market to keep the oil price high. I think the only thing that makes any sense is that America is putting pressure on Russia with a low Oil price.

13:10 06/04/2015

I am wondering about these shale oil producers in the U.S. It really doesn't make any sense to be producing oil and just throwing it onto the market at any price. You would imagine that they would get together to release just

10:42 04/04/2015