Will be interesting to see the open of the Stock exchange tomorrow and to see if there will be some movement in this share. I feel there may be some little movement, but nothing really ontill we hear about a farmout to Sequa, and indeed if they are the interested party that we all believe that they are.
came across article from the phoenix magazine. Some interesting info re the sequa deal with providence in it. see link [link]
Can someone guide me about how trading can happen after closing hours, I tried few times couldn't sell or buy. Is it only possible for brokers?
But positive news for sure, and the long weekend will give time for it to mulled over in the press and online.
Great that they have done the deal on the bond, but I imagine that it will take some time to see any news on the Barryroe front, but I really hope that I am wrong. I am guessing that they will have to go back and have a chat with Providence and cross some T's and dot some I's.
crikey mikey wonder at what price? maybe i'll see my money again...
hi Mmmmm not sure how they work to be honest, still nothing on the web site re the EGM let alone the bond so we are no further on. I still think Sequa will take out LOGP if they want a part of Barryroe why not buy the 20% the market cap is only just over 11m at the moment so for £30m they may get 20%
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