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20:32 06/05/2015

Silence of the space cadet. If there was even a hint of any good news in the pipeline space cadet would be blabbing his mouth off, with over hyped rubbish. Beware people not even a sniff of a major near Barryroe. Even though spacey told us they all were interested. This is rotten!

15:48 06/05/2015

Hi Shadow, a ferw hurdles still to cross, not least that Sequa didn't fully get their bond away. If memory serves me correctly, they still have $96m to sell in non US markets over the next 6 weeks. The free cash from the bond was $75m and they are getting a further $62.5m from Sapinda Asia (possibly this will go towards the unsold portion of the bond.) All depends on what their cash commitments elsewhere are.

15:15 06/05/2015

Hi JREwing , Do you think we are on the road to recovery ??

14:56 06/05/2015

@ Mmmmm, best comment in ages

13:26 06/05/2015

Nice of Phoebus to remind us of the story that got us in this pickle hahaha

12:25 06/05/2015

apologies phone is acting up. could some advise on wether Kursty will at some point have to devulge all info regarding the farmout process.? ie name all those that were interested if any. if Sequa are the only takers im worried and if they do drill again at Barryroe im sure we will all be waiting for bad news as i dont think things are as clear cut as we are being lead tobelieve. check out xcite energy they are moving fast

12:19 06/05/2015

im not

07:46 06/05/2015

agree with linkoping. if it is that good why hasnt it been snapped up?

07:44 06/05/2015

supposedly were interested is more to this than we are being told problems which are being kept

07:35 06/05/2015

where are all the oil majors or the dozen companiea that