Be more interested to see who bought !!! ............. but if anyone cares for a wager, I'm betting Blackrock have sold, any takers ???
Baby has packed his bags , The Desk has been cleared ....... Here we go !!!!!
double take some one bought 8.5 m shares from someone selling them at 28p
You Could add: Turning the drill bit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hypnotoad: You really made me laugh with your post, especially the the last bit. As they say, its funny because its true.
He always calls Providence Provies would you believe. Makes us sound dangerous.
Bit of News from Malcy's Blog: Whilst I was away Providence announced that they were relinquishing 70% of their acreage on the Polaris prospect, Rathlin Basin, on licence P1885 offshore Northern Ireland. This may be a sensibly timed piece of portfolio re-balancing but it is Barryroe that the market really want to hear about. The market has gone very quiet on the Sequa front although a bond issue did, I understand, get off the ground. If the farm-out ever does happen then one hopes that not only is it financially rewarding but politically correct if that’s not asking too much. Provvies have a conference call arranged for next week so maybe all will be revealed then…
Following the suggestion in the ST that there was a "major" back in discussions re BR. I wonder if its possible that the re entry of the major coincided with the open period commencing on LOGP.Major returns, enters discussions with PVR whilst commencing buyout discussions with LOGP....wishful thinking?!!!
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