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10:39 29/05/2015

Morning Sully/Alphabravo

Believe that the story in the irish examiner the day before is probably closer to the truth. Sequa must inform its Bond Holders 6 weeks after April 24th date of issue as to the total number of Bonds issued (including the quantity sold from the circa $96m that were pending sale outside of USA). Thus either June 5th or Monday June 8th this information will be known. As we all (Irish Examiner included) believe that Sequa is the potential farmanee I imagine that Providence will know or request a response the week of June 8th. At the same time any other party interested (in the famous data room) will also be aware of this Sequa Story and will know that a decision on their part will have to be taken quickly I believe. Thus I have a feeling we will have a result by AGM. But who knows !!!

10:06 29/05/2015

nice one alphabravo... this seems like an attempt to survive the upcoming AGM by dangling a carrot. fed up but I'm just going to wait. we have bad management at pvr but i do think this barryroe deal will be done. eventually.

10:02 29/05/2015

i cant seem to copy the link. From todays irish independent. The CEO of Irish oil and gas explorer Providence said he expects the firm to secure a development partner for its flagship asset, the Barryroe oil and gas field, before the end of the year.

10:01 29/05/2015

Irish Independent today...

10:01 29/05/2015

More good news....Dublin-based Providence has been trying to get a partner on board to develop the potentially lucrative field for years. Earlier this year the company said it had reached a tentative deal with a development partner but was still in talks with other interested parties. Completing a deal would be a major boost for the firm, which has seen its share price drop from almost £7 a share to 24.5p in the space of less than three years. However, in its latest set of full year results Providence said the closing conditions for the deal to be completed have yet to be satisfied. Providence boss Tony O'Reilly told the Irish Independent that the firm is still actively looking for partners on the project. "Are they [the tentative partner] the preferred partner for the project? Not necessarily, the preferred partner is someone who can close the next stage of the project and who can ensure that it reaches first production," he said. "It [securing a development partner] is not many months out based on our expectations. We are working to conclude it this year with the caveat that we are one side of the negotiations in the deal and this is a very competitive market." The proposed Barryroe partner is thought to be London-based Sequa Petroleum, which recently closed a $300m bond offering. Mr O'Reilly refused to comment on whether Providence has been in discussions with Sequa.

20:38 28/05/2015

Some say Elvis Presley is in fact not dead. He holds residents in PVR data room!

20:20 28/05/2015

I hope PVR representatives read all these forums! Please give up releasing statements with blatant lies included.. And to your inglorious lead "WATCH THIS SPACE"

17:52 28/05/2015

looks like in the name of dataroom they might be draining money for food n drink expenses; if someone have ever seen this dataroom I bet it would be filled with staff.... lunch n dinner is available at the expense of shareholders

17:46 28/05/2015

TOR bla bla bla bla going on for years, feather on the cap award goes to wath this space; hope the day come to move them away

09:57 28/05/2015

hard to believe a word he says