Hello Sharemate. My average is 1.4 euros. Believe the shares will well surpass this level. I also averaged down Landsdowne and Fastnet. If You are above 2.5 Euros I would average down. The shares are cheap. It all depends on a deal. If one is done I am convinced the SP will rise strongly
Spuddy, am drenched with losses hope it will turn around. What would be fair value you think this to average down to?
Jimmy is really dangerous all along he was telling directors aren't buying etc but he is pushing this stock low. He is clever one to scoop the cream at the lower end, if he sees company isn't worth why does he spend so much time in drafting long messages. Welcome to world of poker
cant understand why the government wont pay for drilling the well in barryroe because when the first commercial oil comes the industry will be transformed as far as oil price is concerned 3years ago oil at $100 was worth only 65euro and now at$65 is worth around 50euro so how is price a factor still 30 euro profit to be made per/barrel
Well somebody try to depress share down, somebody try to talk it up--but one thing is clear--with no news this summer, autumn will bring more red.
Hello there Mmmmm. Point taken. However it is very strange that someone with no shares spends so much time bad mouthing the company. I am not saying things are great or that things might not have been done in a better fashion. However it is strange to say the least that so much effort is made by a Person with no shares. Have you seen the length of his comments. Do they look like yours or mine ??????. Given the low free float, the closed period for trading which makes it difficult for management to comment or buy shares, rumours and opinions can have a big effect I believe. There are many shorters working to depress share prices. I do believe that this at times is coordinated. In the case of Jimmy it would be interesting to know hwy he spends so much time and effort writing about Providence. My time and effort is because the share price is below where I bought the shares and I believe the situation will turn and I believe that we have good assets and possibilities. Someone who has no shares and just bad mouths a company, its strategy and management does not seem on the face of it to have an easily explainable interest
TBF some, but not all, of what Jimmy says looks as perfectly justifiable as many of the positive comments. I dont know much about the marine geology he speaks of, i have to rely on friends for that, however i dont think negative comments on this would alter a farminees decision as they should be able to do their own research. I think he is unfair to comment on the strategies taken by the company as only those behind closed doors know the reasons for them and I'm sure most will know there are usually fully justifiable reasons for most actions. Again though I dont think his negative comments would be swaying those in the industry. I think the long and the short of it is that until a farm out is announced nothing is going to happen to the share price of PVR, but i dont think that Jimmy is to blame for this. The more likely causes are the economic state, PVR being close to running out of money, any looming expirations of any of the licences................all these things and more are what the vultures will use as bargaining tools i think. GLA
Everybody´s opinion is valid. However it is strange that someone with no shares spends so much time damming Providence. Wish Jimmy would explain why he spends so much time bad mouthing Providence. I can see two reasons why someone with no shares spends so much time doing this. 1. Either they are shorting the shares or else they have a vested interest or a party for who they are working/connected has an interest in keeping the share price low. Remember that if Providence needs to equity finance in the next year with SP down low it is more costly and unpalatable in terms of dilution. Any vulture company can try and depress the share price with a few bloggers knowing betting on the need that Providence could have in the future for equity finance. This company could come along then at the time and make a low ball park offer for the company. I remember one of the members of this board some time back had a link to an article discussing how the major oilers keep the minnows under their thumbs with this sort of behavior.
Seems like he lost plenty of money with providence and now hates to see bright future and profits for somebody else.
jimmy , jimmy , jimmy not even 1 share ?? Now where did it all go wrong for you Jimmy !!! I would guess a old school pal for Tor Perhaps or did he rob your Girlfriend , Perhaps your other half is a NURSE !!!!
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