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17:03 22/10/2015

Good link Ghost

17:02 22/10/2015

"Barryroe is a very big structure, and it is already known to have 60 million barrels of recoverable oil. "It wasn't developed in the past because of two issues, one was a fear about compartmentalisation, and the second was the wax content." He adds: "So this well, and the programme we've pursued for the past eighteen months, was designed to shoot those two things down." O'Reilly explains that this has been achieved. He says the reservoir has been demonstrated to be less compartmentalised than anyone previously thought and the waxy crude oil won't be an issue either. "It is a heat control issue. In the past, during the seventies, it would have been a technical challenge and a cost issue, but the technology has come on in leaps and bounds since then. "And with modern technology and today's oil prices (anything above US$30) it is not a problem at all."

16:30 22/10/2015

Here's a link to some comment

16:23 22/10/2015

Godot he's been caught lying on a couple of occasions but as you say he has his guard dogs who have awarded him godlike status as the PVR geological expert.

15:42 22/10/2015

@godot i remember that. Was trying to find it this morning but couldnt find presentation about it

15:32 22/10/2015

There are a few lads who seem to tee him up as well. Not sure how many times Jimmy has given a lecture on here about compartmentalisation. But I do remember someone who went to an AGM posting in direct conflict to Jimmy's lectures and stating it was not an issue with the Barryroe field

14:03 22/10/2015

Ahh good old jimmy - always there to point out every conceivable negative even imagined ones on a daily basis even though he doesn't own a single share - god bless him and all who sail in him!

13:08 22/10/2015

You gotta give it to the Irish Government - increase taxes on a business that does not exist - a very special group of forward thinking people!

09:24 22/10/2015

jimmy is definitely shorting this share...

19:52 21/10/2015

My break even is £2.20 hope this keeps rising for a the long term holders who have been screwed...