• Any sign of ONGC on the horizon I wonder. We were lead to believe they were back in contact with HQ..
U.K. oil production fell 71 percent to 850,000 barrels a day last year from a peak of 2.93 million in 1999 as fields opened as long as four decades ago were depleted. So, whats next? They will all go home, and dump equipment, or they try continue in Ireland?
Jimmy kudos to you for expressing your concerns on PVR shareholders, I appreciate if you could reveal how many different oil sector companies for which you are providing your comments. We have listened from you about PVR for a while request you to not to spend so much energy on PVR BB's as they are repeat active for a while, I expect if you stop posting here your commissions won't get cut or you have other bread earning modes. Thanks
Crack the Whip or Cut Tax: How Do You Fix a North Sea Oil Slump www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-06/oil-slump-pits-u-k-carrots-against-norwegian-stick-in-north-sea
I suppose Providence is the major licence holder for the Irish offshore, and I am sure that one day these fields will be drilled and going on the tests that have being carried out, there is a good chance that oil will be found. The question is will Providence be on the ones still in charge and how much oil will be found. The North Sea is coming towards the end of its life in one way, and I am sure that it has struck everyone that maybe the next big find is only four or five hundred miles south of Scotland. Perhaps the new investors have added new hope in that they have invested some monies here, but sure maybe they can write off the whole lot against tax if things do not work out. Pageant Holding complained in the beginning that the board were not investing more of their own money in buying shares, but after a month or so, they said that they were happy with the board. Once again it is hard to know. We will have to wait and see what happens, but either way the next six months will tell the story to a great extent. Anyway the whole story rests on getting a farmout, and that is really the only news that is going to move this share.
I don't have access to iii else would have informed Jimmy to back off.
Agree totally with you Sharemate and Annovas. Jimmy has no shares as he admitted before on this billboard. Why would anybody with no shares in a company spend so much time writing about a company that he has no shares in. Does Jimmy write about every company in the World or does he just have an interest in Irish companies or maybe just one Irish E&P company. There are a lot of short sellers playing around with this stock and I find it hard to believe that Jimmy is so interested in the Shareholders of this company that he spends so much time providing us with his indepth analysis. Thanks again Jimmy for you positive comments.
I bet Jimmy on iii is been hired by some company, who really want to crush this share with all possible negatives and equally they would be discouraging other companies to cut the deal by providing non-existent info. All they want to scoop this company shares at possible low prices. Jimmy is real danger to this stock, he is feeding some of the info which isn't in public domain, PVR doesn't provide any info on adhoc basis info which isn't been revealed by them to public. Jimmy keep earning your bread, I expect every month salary n royalties been paid to you.
Thanks - I was not aware of that. Is there any restriction on price and who they can sell them to?
Mamms, what are the treasury shares you refer to?
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