Providence Resources Forum

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11:46 08/02/2016

Prices will have to rise as all the CAPEX and Maintenances cuts eat into supply

11:45 08/02/2016
17:27 07/02/2016

The king has no clothes on. No matter how he keeps trying to convince us otherwise.

20:29 04/02/2016

They are getting brick bats, obviously the great leader dont have face to brief hence this article. With all the boastness the article ends with barryroe. God bless him

13:34 04/02/2016
07:52 01/02/2016

Does anyone know how long would the gas in barryroe keep the platform pumping at the same rate

07:46 01/02/2016

the salaries paid are so expensive for past few years without any gain to shareholders, with the amount bourne by shareholders in todays market value a company like providence can be brought over. they are destructing value unnecessarily

23:02 31/01/2016

Will we ever see a deal done on Barryroe to keep the gas flowing?

18:33 29/01/2016

they need to cut 50% people atleast