Providence Resources Forum

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22:32 07/04/2016

Can anyone realistically see any sort of good out come besides a takeover at this stage?

14:39 07/04/2016

It will take more than magic to save PVR.

13:02 07/04/2016

here is hoping too!

12:45 07/04/2016

Here's hoping..

12:35 07/04/2016

Word on the street is that soneone is close to walking the plank, after delivering nothing but speculation over the last 5 years....

22:36 05/04/2016

Great to see this share doing so well. Somebody give Tony a raise in salary...

19:24 04/04/2016

@Jimmy24, please correct me if I'm wrong. Was Dunquin North not picked for drilling over Dunquin South precisely because Dunquin North's top seal had been breached, indicating overpressure and it was felt a better chance of success. The top seal at Dunquin North did not fail due to inversion. Are you comparing apples with oranges here?

23:49 29/03/2016

Now now we must all keep the faith and not post negative comments on these boards... The chaps at base are doing an excellent job keep up the splendid work!

01:30 28/03/2016

Any chance PVR rose from the dead over the weekend?

01:34 26/03/2016

Let’s hope the Irish sail teams can win some silverware in Rio. It seems like this is the only chance we have of positive news this year. The advertising might even drive up the share price.