Email sent to O'Reilly and his Chairman: Tony The announcement this morning is the last straw for me as a shareholder. We have had extensive dialogue in recent weeks and months with regards to the company and your stewardship. For the market to not even be made aware of this appeal hearing until this morning’s suspension is, I believe on legal advice, a gross breach of your (and the Board’s) duties. You were put on notice by me 2 weeks ago that in the absence of a deal on Barryroe by the end of May that I was going to move aggressively and publicly for your removal. This email is to serve you notice that your actions as CEO in regards to the Transocean court appeal together with the near 99% wipeout of equity holders over the last 2 ½ years has rung the bell for me. Your time is up. I respectfully request that you tender your resignation with immediate effect. If you do not then I will go public on this matter and I also put you on notice that we are looking at the possibility of a derivative action against you and other board members should they align themselves with you in regards to my resignation request from you and you refuse. Please note this email is not sent lightly. Yours
Would somebody come along & buy this company & put us all out of our misery....
Has anyone rang head office to see how baby is doing.....?
I bet even now the only thing he is worried about is who is going to pay him his salary.
The people running PVR are absolute clowns & should all be sacked....
Definition of Providence is: the foresight or care exercised by a person in the management of his affairs or resources
Definition of resources: a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed.
Think another name might be appropriate
RTE News article stating that Providence must pay Seven Million dollars excluding interest and costs. [link]
The original judgement is still in force except pvr are not entitled to offset costs???
Notice on the website is pretty clear that there isnt enough dosh to pay the award. Major crisis for the Board as it means the those all expenses-paid junkets to Brazil will have to be called off.........unless of course they were cute and have booked and paid for them in advance. No flies on Tony!
Am not a legal expert but doesnt it mean we pay 7 mill instead of the expected 6 mill ( which wasnt accounted for anyway)
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