Also didnt get much sleep. Im sure he will have a big fat golden goodbye written into his contract as well. Mamms is right. Even if we could get our hands on 7 mill what then? We need more just to survive. Did we ever have asset worth 10 billion dollars? Was it all lies?
Big loss as Well here. 10 years of savings. All we can do is wait and See. We are Going to find out shortly If Tor and Board Have been lying. If Melody stomps up cash or IIs put in more Money we Know deals are close. If not these Boys Have been Caught telling fibs.
Im in the same boat lastcall and thinking about it, the shares were suspended because PVR expected to lose yesterday which makes it all the stranger that they had not prepared for this outcome. What have they been doing since they heard about the case because we certainly haven't see anything.
Why did i put my life savings in this company😢
If you need to directly hit company management, they need to cooked inside pressure cooker
Request to hold your nerves, i know its tough but bantering and foreseeing examinership will pave the path that direction. This will make process further complicated, TOR doesnt have easy escape as he lured us with assurances
To further clutch at straws - if they were delaying announcing a deal to allow connected parties from benefitting from said deal, their hand will be forced to announce it
I suppose they could place shares with the big investors at say ten pence and raise the money that way. Actually they are many different ways of doing it, we will not be happy, but we will be alive and hope will spring eternal.
Any chance this was what was holding up the deal? Clutching at straws like spuddy i guess.
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