Jimmy for someone who has no shares in Providence You are up very late giving us your as always positive opinion On Providence. Hard to understand what keeps You up writing about Providence at this time of night. Interestingly you suggest that a third Party could come in If We are all lucky and take shares at a deep discount. Strangely we Don't hear You mentioning problems in such a scenario with Providence's asset portfolio. So You seem to be contradicting yourself slightly and likely Would be happy if such a scenario came to pass
Disagree entiely with Mamms. Sometimes It feels like he and someothers on this Board would in fact be happy if Providence Went into
Examinership. Believe such An outcome is not at all likely. Deals are being put together and suspension gives some space. It is true to say that Management has made mistakes, has Been frugal with the truth (at least to small shareholders) and has misled at times to our detriment. It is also true that a considerable amount of bad luck has been encountered in tándem with a price war started By the Saudis. But what is paramount Are the tremendo us Assets that Providence has and the Institutions are not going to let These escape. Jimmy and Company will be proved wrong I believe. Question is will they be happy or sad !!!
Mamms - humour me. If suspension is lifted how much notice is normally given? The only way I was able to avergae down was to open a long position so I am very exposed.
Anyone know how much notice we get before suspension is lifted?
As they would have to tell us. So am going to deal with whatever happens when it happens and not before. There is still hope esp with druid and drombeg. And tony will work hard to protect his job. Tho probably sell shareholders down thw
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