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17:31 12/06/2016

Thanks. I know all about Nigeria and corruption.....but the company was under the regulatortpy jurisdiction of the UK. Irrefutable fact.

17:26 12/06/2016

Company assets not in london, and moreover that country has a history of corrupt practices

17:25 12/06/2016
17:25 12/06/2016

Afren was a FTSE250 company in its hayday, ended its life on AIM. I guess you believe London isnt in Europe??

17:25 12/06/2016

Recent court ruling for insider trading was jalied for years

17:17 12/06/2016

Afren is not in europe and they arent regulated in the same way as a company established here, here legal perspetive have lot more teeth to chew illegal activities

15:31 12/06/2016

Not holding much Hope out for AIM regulators. Do believe though that a legal case could be taken against the company for all the underhand behaviour. Believe we will Get news this week. We Will soon Have confirmation and then more to discuss. !!!

14:52 12/06/2016

Spuddy, if they didnt lift a finger in the Afren disgrace, the Reg. Authorities are unlikely to do anything here. Are we in technical default re Melody? etc etc

12:41 12/06/2016

Does nobody from AIM (regulatory Body if one exists) See anything disgraceful about the behaviour of this bunch of scoundrels on the BOD. It is a complete disgrace.

12:38 12/06/2016

Is this other roll of the dice another way of saying atomisation of older investors hard earned investment