Re: PTEC Results Ahead Of Expectations..... 27 Aug 2015 Playtech Ltd PTEC Canaccord Genuity Buy 885.00 891.00 1,065.00 1,065.00 Reiterates
Re: PTEC Results Ahead Of Expectations.... <b>BRIEF Playtech H1 revenue rises 33 pct to 286 mln euros27-08-2015 07:13Aug 27 (Reuters) Playtech Plc</b>H1 revenue rose 33 percent to 286 million eurInterim results for six months ended 30 june 2015Revenues eur 286 mln versus eur 214.4 mln +33 pctAdjusted EBITDA eur 112.9 mln versus eur 97.6 mln +16%Plus500 and Ava trade acquisitions expected to complete by end of September, subject to regulatory approvalAverage daily revenue in gaming division for first 55 days of Q3 2015: - up 15 pct on Q3 2014 which benefitted from impact of 2014 world cupIn first 55 days of Q3 2015, markets limited enjoyed a strong performance with CFD customers up 19 pct against same period in 2014; and first time depositors (FTDS) for CFDS up 12 pctPerformance and momentum provides management with confidence in continued strong growth for remainder of 2015 and beyondSource text for Eikon: ... Further company coverage: PTEC.L(Bengaluru Newsroon +918067491136© Thomson Reuters Limited. Click for restrictions
PTEC Results Ahead Of Expectations.... PTEC Playtec....Superb results this morning a little ahead of market expectations.....Current trading and outlook Average daily revenue in the Gaming division for the first 55 days of Q3 2015 is up 15% on the same period in 2014, which benefitted from the impact of the 2014 World Cup, and down 2% on Q2 2015, with Q2 being a strong quarter and Q3 the traditionally slowest quarter. We have a good pipeline in our Gaming division with significant opportunities across all geographies. Our market-leading Playtech ONE omni-channel offering, depth of product suite and ability to offer full turnkey solution remain key to winning new business and driving our growth. In the first 55 days of Q3 2015, Markets Limited enjoyed a strong performance with CFD customers up 19% against the same period in 2014; and first time depositors (FTDs) for CFDs up 12%. We expect to complete the acquisitions of Plus500 and Ava Trade by the end of September, when we will be in a position to integrate and drive the performance of all three businesses as a single division. The strong performance in the first half of the year gives me great confidence that the sustained momentum in the business will result in strong growth in 2015 and beyond.
PTEC Broker BUY............. Playtech PLC Receives Buy Rating from Deutsche Bank (PTEC)August 26th, 2015 - 0 comments - Filed Under - by Maddie SorensenDeutsche Bank reissued their buy rating on shares of Playtech PLC (LONTEC) in a research report report published onTuesday morning, Market reports. Deutsche Bank currently has a GBX 1,040 ($16.30) price objective on the stock.Other research analysts have also recently issued reports about the company. Citigroup Inc. reiterated a buy rating and issued a GBX 1,030 ($16.14) price objective on shares of Playtech PLC in a report on Monday, July 13th. Investec reissued a buy rating and issued a GBX 900 ($14.10) target price on shares of Playtech PLC in a research report on Friday, July 3rd. Goodbody Stockbrokers Ltd reaffirmed a buy rating on shares of Playtech PLC in a research report on Thursday, June 18th. Nomura increased their target price on Playtech PLC from GBX 899 ($14.09) to GBX 994 ($15.58) and gave the company a buy rating in a report on Tuesday, April 28th. Finally, Canaccord Genuity restated a buy rating and issued a GBX 950 ($14.89) price objective on shares of Playtech PLC in a research note on Friday, May 22nd. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, one has given a hold rating and ten have given a buy rating to the stock. The company presently has a consensus rating of Buy and a consensus price target of GBX 909.29 ($14.25).Shares of Playtech PLC (LON
TEC) opened at 899.50 on Tuesday. Playtech PLC has a 12 month low of GBX 585.99 and a 12 month high of GBX 936.00. The firms 50-day moving average price is GBX 891.43 and its 200 day moving average price is GBX 821.33. The companys market cap is GBX 2.64 billion.Playtech plc, formerly Playtech Limited, is an Isle of Man-based online gaming and sports betting software supplier. The Company, along with its subsidiaries, develops unified software platforms for the online and land-based gambling industry, targeting online and land-based operators. The Company operates six product groupings: Casino, Services, Bingo, Sport, Poker and Videobet.
Canaccord says BUY PTEC <b>Playtech PLC Stock Rating Reaffirmed by Canaccord Genuity (PTEC)August 24th, 2015,</b>Playtech PLC (LONTEC)s stock had its buy rating reiterated by Canaccord Genuity in a research note issued to investors on Monday, Analyst Ratings reports. They presently have a GBX 1,065 ($16.69) price target on the stock, up from their previous price target of GBX 950 ($14.89). Canaccord Genuitys target price points to a potential upside of 19.93% from the companys current price.Shares of Playtech PLC (LON
TEC) opened at 865.5000 on Monday. The companys 50-day moving average is GBX 888.70 and its 200 day moving average is GBX 816.32. The stocks market capitalization is GBX 2.54 billion. Playtech PLC has a 52 week low of GBX 585.99 and a 52 week high of GBX 936.00.Several other equities analysts also recently issued reports on the stock. BNP Paribas upped their price objective on shares of Playtech PLC from GBX 1,000 ($15.67) to GBX 1,100 ($17.24) and gave the stock an outperform rating in a report on Thursday, May 7th. Investec boosted their price target on shares of Playtech PLC from GBX 870 ($13.63) to GBX 900 ($14.10) and gave the stock a buy rating in a research report on Monday, April 27th. Goodbody Stockbrokers Ltd restated a buy rating on shares of Playtech PLC in a report on Thursday, June 18th. Deutsche Bank reiterated a buy rating and issued a GBX 950 ($14.89) target price on shares of Playtech PLC in a report on Tuesday, April 28th. Finally, Citigroup Inc. reissued a buy rating and issued a GBX 1,125 ($17.63) price target on shares of Playtech PLC in a research note on Friday, August 7th. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, one has assigned a hold rating and ten have issued a buy rating to the company. Playtech PLC currently has an average rating of Buy and an average target price of GBX 909.29 ($14.25).Playtech plc, formerly Playtech Limited, is an Isle of Man-based online gaming and sports betting software supplier. The Company, along with its subsidiaries, develops unified software platforms for the online and land-based gambling industry, targeting online and land-based operators. The Company operates six product groupings: Casino, Services, Bingo, Sport, Poker and Videobet. Playtechs gaming applications, such as online casino, poker and other P2P games, bingo, mobile, live gaming, land-based kiosk networks, land-based terminal and fixed-odds games are inter-compatible and can be incorporated as standalone applications, accessed and funded by the operators players through the same user account and managed by the operator by means of a single management interface. Playtech Software Limited, OU Playtech (LON
TEC), Video B Holding Limited, Techplay S.A. Software Limited are few of companys wholly-owned subsidiaries.
PTEC Broker comment........ <b>Playtech PLC (LONTEC)s stock had its buy rating reissued by analysts at Investec in a report issued on Monday, reports.</b>A number of other analysts have also recently weighed in on PTEC. Canaccord Genuity reissued a restricted rating on shares of Playtech PLC in a report on Friday, July 24th. Deutsche Bankraised their price target on Playtech PLC from GBX 950 ($14.86) to GBX 1,040 ($16.27) and gave the stock a buy rating in a research report on Monday, July 20th. Shore Capital reaffirmed a buy rating on shares of Playtech PLC in a research report on Friday, July 24th. Citigroup Inc. reiterated a buy rating and issued a GBX 1,125 ($17.60) target price on shares of Playtech PLC in a report on Monday, July 27th. Finally, Goodbody Stockbrokers Ltd restated a buy rating on shares of Playtech PLC in a research note on Monday, April 27th. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, one has given a hold rating and nine have given a buy rating to the companys stock. The company presently has an average rating of Buy and a consensus target price of GBX 892.86 ($13.97).Playtech PLC (LON
TEC) traded down 1.88% during mid-day trading on Monday, reaching GBX 888.00. The companys stock had a trading volume of 1,040,705 shares. The stocks market cap is GBX 2.61 billion. The firms 50 day moving average price is GBX 888.70 and its 200 day moving average price is GBX 816.32. Playtech PLC has a 12-month low of GBX 601.00 and a 12-month high of GBX 936.00.Playtech plc, formerly Playtech Limited, is an Isle of Man-based online gaming and sports betting software supplier. The Company, along with its subsidiaries, develops unified software platforms for the online and land-based gambling industry, targeting online and land-based operators. The Company operates six product groupings: Casino, Services, Bingo, Sport, Poker and Videobet. Playtechs gaming applications, such as online casino, poker and other P2P games, bingo, mobile, live gaming, land-based kiosk networks, land-based terminal and fixed-odds games are inter-compatible and can be incorporated as standalone applications, accessed and funded by the operators players through the same user account and managed by the operator by means of a single management interface. Playtech Software Limited, OU Playtech (LON
TEC), Video B Holding Limited, Techplay S.A. Software Limited are few of companys wholly-owned subsidiaries.
PTEC Broker Update....... 25 Aug 2015 Playtech Ltd PTEC Deutsche Bank Buy 858.75 856.50 1,040.00 1,040.00 ReiteratesSP TARGET 1040p
PTEC........ Week Ahead........... Thursday 27 AugustInvestec sees online gambling software firm Playtech's (PTEC) first-half results as a buying opportunity given likely acquisition benefits related to Plus500 (PLUS) and Avatrade.Look for total first-half revenue growth of 35.4% and EBITDA growth of 23.4%. "We upgrade FY15E revenue to 646.1 million mainly due to FX tailwinds and white label revenue, but leave EBITDA unchanged," says Investec's Alistair Ross, who puts his target price under review, pending regulatory approval of the acquisitions."We see the likely completion of the Plus500 and Avatrade deals (which are not included in our forecasts) as major growth drivers," adds Ross, with a 'buy' rating on the stock.
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Re: PTEC Broker UPDATE...... <b>Research Analysts Recent Ratings Updates for Playtech PLC (PTEC)August 12th, 2015 updated August 14th, 2015</b>Playtech PLC (LON: PTEC) has recently received a number of price target changes and ratings updates:8/11/2015 Playtech PLC had its price target raised by analysts at Nomura from GBX 994 ($15.39) to GBX 1,035 ($16.03). They now have a buy rating on the stock.8/10/2015 Playtech PLC had its buy rating reaffirmed by analysts at Investec.8/7/2015 Playtech PLC had its buy rating reaffirmed by analysts at Citigroup Inc.. They now have a GBX 1,125 ($17.42) price target on the stock.7/31/2015 Playtech PLC had its restricted rating reaffirmed by analysts at Canaccord Genuity.7/27/2015 Playtech PLC had its buy rating reaffirmed by analysts at Citigroup Inc.. They now have a GBX 1,125 ($17.42) price target on the stock.7/24/2015 Playtech PLC had its buy rating reaffirmed by analysts at Shore Capital.7/24/2015 Playtech PLC had its restricted rating reaffirmed by analysts at Canaccord Genuity.7/20/2015 Playtech PLC had its price target raised by analysts at Deutsche Bank from GBX 950 ($14.71) to GBX 1,040 ($16.10). They now have a buy rating on the stock.7/20/2015 Playtech PLC had its buy rating reaffirmed by analysts at Citigroup Inc.. They now have a GBX 1,125 ($17.42) price target on the stock.7/15/2015 Playtech PLC had its restricted rating reaffirmed by analysts at Canaccord Genuity.7/13/2015 Playtech PLC had its buy rating reaffirmed by analysts at Citigroup Inc.. They now have a GBX 1,030 ($15.95) price target on the stock.7/3/2015 Playtech PLC had its buy rating reaffirmed by analysts at Investec. They now have a GBX 900 ($13.94) price target on the stock.6/26/2015 Playtech PLC had its restricted rating reaffirmed by analysts at Canaccord Genuity.6/18/2015 Playtech PLC had its buy rating reaffirmed by analysts at Goodbody Stockbrokers Ltd.Playtech PLC (LONTEC) traded down 1.30% during midday trading on Wednesday, reaching GBX 871.00. The companys stock had a trading volume of 631,832 shares. The firms market capitalization is GBX 2.56 billion. Playtech PLC has a 12 month low of GBX 585.99 and a 12 month high of GBX 936.00. The stocks 50-day moving average price is GBX 871.01 and its 200-day moving average price is GBX 806.87.Playtech plc, formerly Playtech Limited, is an Isle of Man-based online gaming and sports betting software supplier. The Company, along with its subsidiaries, develops unified software platforms for the online and land-based gambling industry, targeting online and land-based operators. The Company operates six product groupings: Casino, Services, Bingo, Sport, Poker and Videobet. Playtechs gaming applications, such as online casino, poker and other P2P games, bingo, mobile, live gaming, land-based kiosk networks, land-based terminal and fixed-odds games are inter-compatible and can be incorporated as standalone applications, accessed and funded by the operators players through the same user account and managed by the operator by means of a single management interface. Playtech Software Limited, OU Playtech (LON
TEC), Video B Holding Limited, Techplay S.A. Software Limited are few of companys wholly-owned subsidiaries.
PTEC....Morgan Stanley Update......... PTEC PlaytechMissed this yesterday but very relevant.....<b>BUZZ-Playtech: jumps on short-term recommendation from MS <LAD.L><PTEC.L>13-08-2015 11:21</b>* Online gaming co Playtech <PTEC.L> up c.5 pct, top FTSE-250 riser in robust volume<b>* Traders cite short-term trade recommendation from Morgan Stanley on the stock* Morgan Stanley, who has a "Buy" rating on Playtech with PT of 1030p, expect strong double-digit revenue growth to continue into Q2* "We believe the share price will rise relative to the industry over the next 60 days," MS says* Company will report H1 results on Aug 27</b>* On Aug. 19, shareholders will vote on the proposed acquisition of Plus500 and Ava Trade* Broker estimates that completion of both transactions would enhance EPS by c.40 pct in 2016* Another trader says Playtech is getting preference over bookmaker Ladbrokes <LAD.L>, downgraded by Jefferies and HSBC on Thursday* Jefferies cuts Ladbrokes' rating to "underperform" from "hold", PT at 90p vs 110p while HSBC cuts PT to 110p from 125p(RM: [email protected])
PTEC..Nomura Increase SP Target......... <b>Playtech PLC Price Target Raised to GBX 1,035 (PTEC)Posted by Max Byerly on Aug 11th, 2015 Updated Aug 14th, 2015</b>Investment analysts at Nomura increased their price objective on shares of Playtech PLC (LONTEC) from GBX 994 ($15.39) to GBX 1,035 ($16.03) in a research note issued on Thursday, Analyst Ratings.Net reports. The brokerage presently has a buy rating on the stock. Nomuras target price would suggest a potential upside of 16.95% from the stocks previous close.PTEC has been the subject of a number of other reports. Investec reissued a buy rating on shares of Playtech PLC in a research report on Monday. Citigroup Inc. reaffirmed a buy rating and set a GBX 1,125 ($17.42) price objective on shares of Playtech PLC in a research report on Friday. Canaccord Genuity reissued a restricted rating on shares of Playtech PLC in a research note on Friday, July 31st. Shore Capital reaffirmed a buy rating on shares of Playtech PLC in a research note on Friday, July 24th. Finally, Deutsche Bank increased their price target on shares of Playtech PLC from GBX 950 ($14.71) to GBX 1,040 ($16.10) and gave the company a buy rating in a research note on Monday, July 20th. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, one has assigned a hold rating and nine have issued a buy rating to the company. The company currently has a consensus rating of Buy and an average price target of GBX 892.86 ($13.83).Shares of Playtech PLC (LON
TEC) opened at 884.8500 on Tuesday. Playtech PLC has a one year low of GBX 585.99 and a one year high of GBX 936.00. The firms market cap is GBX 2.60 billion. The firms 50-day moving average price is GBX 869.24 and its 200-day moving average price is GBX 804.34.Playtech plc, formerly Playtech Limited, is an Isle of Man-based online gaming and sports betting software supplier. The Company, along with its subsidiaries, develops unified software platforms for the online and land-based gambling industry, targeting online and land-based operators. The Company operates six product groupings: Casino, Services, Bingo, Sport, Poker and Videobet. Playtechs gaming applications, such as online casino, poker and other P2P games, bingo, mobile, live gaming, land-based kiosk networks, land-based terminal and fixed-odds games are inter-compatible and can be incorporated as standalone applications, accessed and funded by the operators players through the same user account and managed by the operator by means of a single management interface. Playtech Software Limited, OU Playtech (LON
TEC), Video B Holding Limited, Techplay S.A. Software Limited are few of companys wholly-owned subsidiaries.
PTEC Broker Views......................... Broker Views On PTEC.....Date Broker Rec. Price Old target price New target price Notes11 Aug 15 Nomura Buy 925.00 994.00 1,035.00 Reiterates10 Aug 15 Investec Buy 925.00 900.00 - Retains07 Aug 15 Citigroup Buy 925.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 Reiterates31 Jul 15 Canaccord Genuity Restricted 925.00 - - Reiterates20 Jul 15 Deutsche Bank Buy 925.00 950.00 1,040.00 Reiterates
Hammerson Broker Comment...... <b>20JUL2015Hammerson plc 8.9% Potential Upside Indicated by Exane BNP Paribas BY AMILIA STONE BROKER RATINGS</b>Hammerson plc using EPIC code LON:HMSO had its stock rating noted as Reiterates with the recommendation being set at OUTPERFORM this morning by analysts at Exane BNP Paribas. Hammerson plc are listed in the Financials sector within UK Main Market. Exane BNP Paribas have set their target price at 720 GBX on its stock. This would indicate that the analyst believes there is a potential upside of 8.9% from the opening price of 661 GBX. Hammerson plc LON:HMSO has a 50 day moving average of 658.68 GBX and a 200 Day Moving Average share price is recorded at 651.53 GBX. The 1 year high stock price is 708 GBX while the 52 week low for the share price is 537 GBX.
Playtech Broker Comment... <b>20JUL2015Playtech PLC 16.4% Potential Upside Indicated by Deutsche Bank BY AMILIA STONE BROKER RATINGS</b>Playtech PLC using EPIC code LONTEC had its stock rating noted as Reiterates with the recommendation being set at BUY this morning by analysts at Deutsche Bank. Playtech PLC are listed in the Technology sector within UK Main Market. Deutsche Bank have set a target price of 1040 GBX on its stock. This would imply the analyst believes there is a potential upside of 16.4% from todays opening price of 893.5 GBX. Playtech PLC LON
TEC has a 52 week high for the stock of 903.74 GBX while the 52 week low for the stock is 597.5 GBX.