Re: Looking at the chart this seems to happen every year around the annual results...slight worry this time is that the share price is lower than last years drop.
I will probably top up again on any further weakness.PTEC is a very cash generative, market leading company with high profit margins and good dividends. This is a complete over-reaction.
Topped up this morning at 760p. Have been waiting for the opportunity.One broker has dropped price to 1090p.Its not as if the company is in trouble, just a timing issue.
Re: Just looking Hardboy,It looks as if you were lucky to just be looking, and had not actually taken the plunge. However, potentially today's activity may have made the shares oversold, and worthy of a speculative punt, to take advantage of any recovery.Your comment re 13 vs 17 Countries; It seems that one web-page has the error, since other places show 17 as per the Annual Report. For example see the following, and scroll down the page a little.[link] of the information you were looking for appears to be included in the Annual Report. Page 88 shows the major shareholding, page 82 addresses TSR (Total shareholder return), and pages 119/120 gives some information of geographic spread of revenues and assets. With respect to currencies, I think that this is related to the Country of operation, with all the data being converted back to Euros for their reporting. It seems that the Company does not enter into currency hedging transactions (see pages 150/151 of the Annual Report)I agree that the Director's do not seem to hold many shares, and they also do not appear to be granting themselves massive amounts of options. Whilst it would be nice to see them having more of an interest in the Company, I do not see this as a large negative factor.I also agree that the accuracy of the Calendar and dividend data could be improved, although I would not really conclude that the Company does not pay their Clients much care. This may impact Shareholders but does not really affect Clients, however, since I do not use their services I cannot judge if similar deficiencies exist within the Client facing segments of the website. If they were to be there then that would indeed be slightly worrying.
Re: Just looking I've done a bit more research. The low share holdings by directors is one concern. The inadequacy of the website is another - Companies which care about their shareholders keep their website up to date and accurate. The interims say they have operations in 17 countries. The website says 13. As the interims are a couple of months old, do I conclude they have pulled out of 4 countries, or that they can't be bothered to update their website? The forward Financial Calendar is blank, Companies usually know what month scheduled reports and AGM are given, so there is no excuse for having it blank, and looking at past events, there is no mention of the Interim results, dividend dates, even the AGM. It really is poor. I like to see break down of the countries where turnover is generated, and what currencies they operate in. Does anyone have a handle on this? Under dividend information they have not even got the last dividend paid. They do not seem to have details of major shareholders. I've no idea what a TSR Chart is (though that may be more to do with my lack of knowledge.) My research is not helped by iii's fundamentals page where the table is labelled GBP, but the figures are actually . I've e mailed iii to tell them, so let's see how long it takes them to rectify it. If they pay as much care to their clients as they do their website, then they are not going to last long. I shouldn't be negative on a company just because of its website inadequacies, but I am getting a feeling of slipshod attitudes. Any comments gratefully received.
Just looking I've just started having a look at Playtech after an article I read over the weekend (I think it was a Morningstar Article.) When looking at the gaming sector it is difficult to pick between the service providers, but if you can't work out which miner to buy you buy the company which supplies the picks & shovels, so I like the niche PTEC is in. One of the concerns I have is that the directors don't seem to have much skin in the game - their holdings of shares is pretty poor, and no doubt most of that was acquired via options etc. I need to look in a lot more detail yet, but I'd be grateful for any comments from people who have followed this for longer than me.Thanks in anticipation.
Re: I'm in.... And after the results and a somewhat cautious outlook from the board, I've decided perhaps these aren't for me. The 6 week experience cost me £80 but think there are better opportunities elsewhere. GLA that still hold...
Old news produces fall in SP Not quite sure why this has happened. This is old news, and is a reflection of the Secondary Placement in June. This was the announcement then - see final para - and the % announced today represents the same % then - 6.3%. Perhaps there is the fear that the SP will fall further if Brickington sells out altogether. Certainly when I went ot the AGM recently, the management were very bullish and were looking forward to an SP of £10+. It did reach those heights, and the broker forecast on Stockopedia is over £13, with 11 brokers split on action - 3 buys and 8 strong buys now. very tempted to stock up again, as I did on several earlier dips.RNS today - 24th July.Further to the announcement on 26 June 2017 regarding a proposal by Brickington Trading Limited ("Brickington" to sell 32.0 million ordinary shares in Playtech plc ("Playtech" or the "Company"
, the Company announces that it has been notified that Brickington has sold 36.5 million ordinary shares at a price of 924 pence per ordinary share (the "Placing"
. The Company understands that due to strong investor demand, Brickington agreed with the Bookrunners to increase the size of the Placing to 36.5 million ordinary shares, representing approximately 11.5 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company. The Placing is expected to settle on a T+2 basis, on 29 June 2017. The Company is not party to the Placing and will not receive any proceeds from the Placing. Following the Placing, Brickington retains a beneficial interest in approximately 20.1 million ordinary shares, representing approximately 6.3 per cent. of the voting rights of the Company. Brickington has agreed not to dispose of any further Playtech shares for a period of at least 180 days, subject to the consent of UBS Limited ("UBS"
as well as customary exceptions.
I'm in.... Bought an initial 800 shares at 954p today. Looking to build a stake in these over the coming months. Looks a decent opportunity to get in ahead of the update at the end of August. GLA that are holding..,
Re: SP hits 1000p! 2016 Annual report p88 317M shares in issue as at end Jan 2017Morgan Stanley (3.80%) 12,070,148Fidelity (3.63%) 11,505,382DNB Asset Mgt (3.39%) 10,769,638Legal & General ( 3.11%) 9,880,740Vanguard 6.5M according to FTApril RNS T Rowe Price (5%) 15.9MThere have also been CFDs, swaps and convertible bonds listed but all in all only about one third of shares with 'institutional investors' as significant holdings. Unclear who is picking up all these shares apart from Boussard & Gavaudan who listed 5% as CFD.SG
Re: SP hits 1000p! Still very good insitutional demand, even at this higher price compared with previous sell-offs. 36.5m versus the 32m which was the target sale.One of the issues I have with the management is that it is difficult to know who are the institutional investors. The FD told me that it is difficult to keep up an accurate list and therefore they dont put the standard list with over 3% shareholding that you find on many company websites and which I find quite helpful.
Re: SP hits 1000p! Yes, not so much of a buying opportunity this time. Difference between 925p and the current 962p makes it more of a hold wiht the expectation of more to come in terms of the SP. Should be back over 1000p again quite soon.
Re: SP hits 1000p! 36.5M shares sold @ 924p. Brickington still hold 20.1M shares (6.5%).Previous placing price was 872.5p (13M) and the one before that 725p (45M).The SP may drop below the placing price briefly but it has previously rallied to higher levels quite quickly....will watch and seeSG
Re: SP hits 1000p! Looks like you may have another buying opportunity tomorrow! If this drops to around £9 I'll be in for some more myself. Just 7.7% left so may be just one more secondary placing to go.
SP hits 1000p! Playtech, has reached 1000p. They lost 2 principal acquisitions - Plus 500 and Ava Trade Ltd - at the end of 2015 because of regulatory issues but they have come on from there with bolt-on acquisitions and organisational developments within the company. They still have a significant cashpile to go out for more. I attended their AGM recently, met the management and was quietly impressed. They are good, very good, at what they do! From Stockopedia, broker's target price 17% higher than currently, and this company doesnt often disappoint. There have been a couple of major sales by a very large shareholder. The first one frightened me, the second one I saw as a buying opportunity and it has paid off handsomely.I am also pleased to say another of my favourite holdings, SP hits 500p. I expect it to go on from here, especially because I look forward to Leonoff, the CEO, coming in with another acquisition sooner rather than later. With the organisational changes he made recentlly, he has freed himself up to go looking.