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Ripley94 08 Apr 2018

JIM MELLON Seems to like it , counters the gloom on this bb.

churjones 16 Mar 2018

Where Is It Going Sold out today, cannot see where it is planning to go as a company, many will say the share buy back is a good start, while the share price seems appeased to that view, i have seen little notified information on what's next in this rather oversized deteriorating company, with regard to improving it, "could do better as they used to say to me at school" regards

IAmShareCrazy 10 Feb 2018

Dire Straits I admit I can't read a balance sheet in depth but two financial ratings have this in dire straits. The Altman Z score and Pitroski F score.

gamesinvestor 10 Jan 2018

Berenberg ""Pearson plc: Berenberg reiterates sell and sets a target price of 490p.""Seems harsh!Games

II Editor 20 Oct 2017

NEW ARTICLE: Share of the Week: Investors chase this dog higher "Is education publisher LSESONearson on the path to recovery, or will this week's 9.5% rise prove to be a false dawn?Ignoring all that had happened prior to 2017, which included multiple profits warnings, the stock was languishing at 634p this ..."[link]

Akis1999 17 Oct 2017

Cash flow It looks to my admittedly untrained eye, they are bleeding a ton of cash on borrowings (financing activities), as well as bleeding cash on their core business, having started the year with 1.4bn and ending with (insert figure here - I suspect around 650ml, with the core business, over the Christmas period, overall producing another say 500-600ml (last year 700ml more or less). And they are planning to buyback 300ml ? I'd pay off some of my borrowings which costs are destroying my cash flow. What do you think?

nk1999 19 Sep 2017

Liberum From Citywire:"Liberum predicts another profit warning at PearsonLiberum is expecting another profit warning from educational publisher Pearson (PSON) this year after chief financial officer Coram Williams’ cautious tone over full-year guidance. Analyst Ian Whittaker reiterated his ‘sell’ recommendation and target price of 330p on the stock, which fell 3% on Friday after Williams’ appearance at an industry conference. At the time of writing, the shares were flat at 568p.‘The key cause [of Friday’s share price fall] looks to be [Williams’] comments which suggested there was some uncertainty around the full-year guidance, going into the key selling and returns season in US higher education space, which is the single biggest driver of Pearson’s profitability,’ said Whittaker. ‘We expect another profit warning this year and, with Pearson already having announced another major restructuring programme, there seems little scope to cut costs further to maintain guidance.’ "

numberbiter 11 Aug 2017

Re: Dividend Slashed Games, I know it is difficult for Leavers to face reality, but the facts speak for themselves. Brexit is already damaging the UK. Despite a weak £ sterling, our exports were sluggish and our imports ballooned. The Office of National Statistics report that in May/June our trade deficit increased by £4.6 billion and that in the last nine months to June (2017) our trade deficit hit al all time record. It should be obvious that we cannot go on for ever running up deficits.Leavers always cling on to the myth that 'they need us more than we need them'. Well, Germany consistently runs up a huge surplus and can survive for years not doing so well. We cannot; as a country we are effectively bankrupt. We were in 1945 and the Labour government got us out of the mess. it well happen again as Brexit will kill off the Tories. Michael Heseltine knows this (see today's Times). The Brexiteers are like blind men leading the blind.

gamesinvestor 10 Aug 2017

Re: Dividend Slashed "Games, you are living in a dream world."No number I'm not -- The EU is a living breathing economic disaster zone.The faster it's broken the better for all as it's an unequal mess that has destroyed the livilihoods of half of the people in it's weaker states(countries).Anyone who can't see that is really living in a dreamland.80% of the world sells to the EU and 80% of the world doesn't pay into the EU's largesse or accept any kind of foreign intervention or free flow of people except where that individual country decides they want it.That's the "ONLY" position that the UK needs to be in for the next 100 years.The EU is a quasi dictatorship and it has to collapse -- whether Brexit is the catalyst is open for question but it's certainly the most important thing that has to happen for the UK for the long term.Games

gamesinvestor 10 Aug 2017

Re: Dividend Slashed "EU if the EU decides to hold firm and deny us free trade."Your kidding me aren't you?I thought you were a tough guy. The German's are wringing their hands at the moment and Merkel will be so far kicked down the road if a deal isn't done because half the German car workers will be the one's systematically kicking her axs as she rolls over the cobbles.20% of Germany's EU exports are into the UK -- they need us more than we need them.Besides they are already shxxting themselves at what's happening on the UK roads already. Don't know if you've noticed but joe public has woken up to the fact that BMW, Mercedes and Audi have a lowly position on the reliability listing.It's not gone unnoticed that Kia's 7 year warranty has done serious damage in the last 3 years. That little Sportage package is everywhere you look.If anything the EU is really really worried that when the UK makes a success of Brexit (assuming we have people with the bxlls to carry it off firmly) they will have a lot of nervousnous about the crumbling southern states who's debt's are over the eyeball level to a greater extent than any time in history.Without serious trade with the UK -- the EU is in self damage mode.Games

Yee Wo 09 Aug 2017

Re: PPick up a Penguin I don't hold this business. However been watching Nick Train talking about it, he seems to feel that it can become a Digital Education market leader. All seems reminiscent of Marconi IMHO!

numberbiter 08 Aug 2017

Re: Dividend Slashed Games, you are living in a dream world. The basic (and only) argument put by 'leavers' is that 'they need us more than we need them'. Well, the reality is that this argument is a certain non-runner, because if the EU agreed to trade with us on our terms it would destroy itself.So, the EU will not give in (as I have said because they have no other choice) so Brexit will cause a major recession throughout Europe, where we will be the major loser.The sad thing is that because of our abdication, Germany will become the dominant force in Europe; they have, in effect, won the war. In the past we have relied upon the USA to bale us out, believing (head in sand!) that there is a special relationship, but when it comes to it the USA always does what benefits it. in the Second World War, the USA leased its second hand equipment to us at great cost (no special relationship, just a commercial deal that shafted us). We were very lucky that the Japanese foolishly bombed Pearl Harbour in Hawaii.So, when the choice is a trade deal with Europe or with the U.K., Trump has told us - EU is the winner! Brexit will be a disaster, but at least it will kill off the Tory Party, Trouble is that it will kill off Labour as well unless that Party can knock some sense into Corbyn.

LK Hyman 08 Aug 2017

Re: Dividend Slashed Games,"The EU countries need to trade with the UK"Not as much as the UK needs to trade with the EU, m8! There is no way on God's green earth that any trade deal with the likes of Oz or Canada or Ubangi Shari is gonnae make up for the effect of the cut in trade with the EU if the EU decides to hold firm and deny us free trade.I started off as a Remainer then, when the vote went agin me, I became an "OK, let's get on with Brexit and do the best deal we can" merchant. Now I'm seriously considerin' switching back to being a Remainer and praying that Brexit can be halted.I was pretty rocked back by the politician (who was it?) who said that David Davis is "as thick as mince, as lazy as a toad, and as vain as summat that I've now forgotten".If that's true (fingers crossed it ain't!) then God help us.LKH on the flybridge tracking southward aye

gamesinvestor 08 Aug 2017

Re: Dividend Slashed "We cannot win against the combined weight of 27 European countries."Number -- we don't have to. The EU countries need to trade with the UK, it's their top 3 market pointing from any position amongst the 27.Remember -- 80% of the world is not in the EU.The strength of the Euro is killing the southern economies in the EU and Germany knows this now. It's alright having a strong currency, but when your exports shrink, there has to be a balance or trade stifles -- there is no way on this earth that the economies of Spain, Italy, Portugal can live with this current system.Remember, the founder of the EU has already admitted it was a big mistake, because you can not support a common currency without common fiscal policies and common debt relief, something the Germans will "NEVER" agree to.That's why it's already dead and that's why the overall EU's share of world trade declines every single year since it's inception.The sorry sad tale is that the political will of non business people will hold this protectionism together rather longer than the economies can sustain it, because they have a huge financial vested and personal interest in it and the costs of supporting the system have ballooned because of corruption and theft of the countries tax money..Games

numberbiter 07 Aug 2017

Re: Dividend Slashed If the EU is dead, why is the € so strong and the £ so weak? Sorry Games, the U.K. will be the loser. From 1937 to 1945 a much stronger (than the UK) Germany look on Europe and lost. We cannot win against the combined weight of 27 European countries.As Vince Cable says, the old duffers still living in the 1960's (in those days we had a lot of industry and owned lots of assets, before Margaret Thatcher destroyed them all) have shafted the youth of today. At least I can hold my head up high and tell them that I was not one of the brainless old duffers,

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