Re: £650,000 available Well, there's half a mil gone on further investment in Engage. £150,000 left.YB
Re: £650,000 available Apart from the £650,000 cash, don't forget the 9,973,011 ordinary shares in SOLO, whose current SP is 3.85p, total value £383,960 with plenty to play for. Cash and SOLO shares total £1,033,960 with potential. Not bad.'The conditions precedent to the Sale and Purchase Agreement ("SPA" have now been fulfilled, including the consent of other shareholders and the payment by Solo of the cash consideration of £650,000. The Company will now issue 9,973,011 ordinary shares of 0.2p in fulfilment of the share consideration to Primorus Investments plc ("Primorus"
based on the 10-day VWAP as provided for in the SPA. The shares will be admitted for trading on or around the 15 March and under the terms of the SPA Primorus will not trade in Solo shares for a period of at least 45-days from completion.'YB
Re: £650,000 available Morning Ripley,Primorus is not an oil stock. See the Investment Policy on the PRIM website. A prime example being the latest PRIM investment in StreamTV Networks.I was just saying that with £650,000 in the coffers, where will the next investment be. One possible option amongst many is Medical Cannabis that Donald Strang, Hamish Harris and David Lenigas are pursuing via AfriAg in which they are all DirectorsThat is just one option. More investment in StreamTV perhaps with the next generation of 3D TV's is another. Who knows but hopefully, an announcement soon.YB
Re: £650,000 available oil, gold, streaming TV so why not medical cannabis - wherever they see potential
Re: £650,000 available ybhere you have lost me i thought this was an oil stock why are you talking Medical Cannabis.
Re: £650,000 available I find it hard to understand why anyone would want to sell into today's news. I thought that it was an excelent piece of business and just the sort of thing that attracted me to invest here in the placing a while back. One of the posters on lse board has been in touch with the company today and reports back as follows:"I just got off the phone with Alistair and am very pleased with what he had to say!He is very upbeat about Prim's investments and is in regular contact with Fresho and WeShop Senior management and is "Very Pleased" with WeShop performance and how things are going!He told me that in the first quarter they basically leave their investments to get on with it and an update will be given in the quarterly, possibly something sooner (I gathered) but he is very positive about it all.As for the sale of the 5% of HHDL, a circular has just been put out to the other share holders and as we know, there are only four. AC sees no issue with them letting this go thru. As much as it is in the articles of incorporation, it is seen more as a formality and will keep things clear. He thinks everyone should have come back in a couple of days as it seems that it is a matter of Steve Sanderson and the others replying by email.AC did say that they know the folks over at Solo and the others very well and Prim is an investment company and as much as the market values such businesses on a discounted NAV, the idea is to show performance and a good return on it's investments and see an increase in NAV.I came away from the conversation very happy with his answers and a point I did ask him about is PR and it seems that this will kick off closer to the quarterly and he said that he has to be careful of what he says because it could compromise Prim or could have an effect on the investment(s).So, over all am very happy with this and am happy that he found a few minutes to return my call. I thought, I'd share as this is a normal part of my research! Happy with my investment"T
Re: £650,000 available Donald Strang, Non Exec Director, is on several Boards along with David Lenigas and Hamish Harris. All three of them run AfriAg, traded on the NEX. With the recent global interest in Medical Cannabis, another possible avenue for some of this cash would be to follow AfriAg which has diversified into Cannabis.It is anyones guess where the cash will be going, the Board will no doubt have something in mind. Hopefully, news imminent.YB
£650,000 available Interested to see where this £650,000 will be invested. More investment in StreamTV Networks perhaps, or something new.YB
Re: Placing 25th Feb 2016 Tried to buy but ( D ) have taken off platform.Sold what i had with them at a loss in the summer, when more bought ( X )
Operational update Issued today. All positive looking forward.WR
Fresho Getting to really like this company after today's announcement. Fresho reminds me of my best performing unlisted investment under the EIS scheme. Invested there at a £1 and they got the last (pre IPO) fundraising away at over £28 a share. Hopefully Fresho are on a similar trajectory unlike many of the failed Aim listed shares which have had to raise money at lower and lower prices.To quote "This investment is a demonstration of the Primorus business model where early-stage investing is rewarded with increasing valuation waypoints on the path to a liquidity event via either IPO or trade sale." They have a wide portfolio of investments and they only need a few of them to succeed to acheive a market cap which is many multiples of today's valuation imho.T
Bought in Those repeat Director buys do the talking. Follow the money......
sold out sp is too controlled, and investment value taken away.pity prim is not allowed to flow inho.gla
Steam TV Networks Inc Looking like a good investment. Worth a look at the Stream Tv Networks Inc website.Take a look at the Press releases to see who they are operating with.YB
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