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wannabe idiot 07 Jul 2015

Re: support at 529 Got lucky there Bull but I'm playing with fire again, I got that lot back in just above 502 today. Meant to wait for 499/500 or the bounce but decided to risk it in the end ... I have had many occasions with Poly in the past when its very difficult to catch the bounce ... so I just pioneered the move and hoping to get lucky.

bulltraderpt 06 Jul 2015

Re: POLY, Chart Looks Very Bullish (GOLD) The market made a mockery of that call didn't Old Joe. It does that sometimes.Good Luck

bulltraderpt 06 Jul 2015

Re: support at 529 You did the right thing WI!

wannabe idiot 26 Jun 2015

Re: support at 529 I just got the chance to exit that 532 lot without a loss (at 534). I suspect it may continue up but I got out because I was very wrong about that support at 529 which means I will need to re-read this here.

wannabe idiot 25 Jun 2015

support at 529 I believe there should be support at 529 today and expecting a little bounce from this. However I'm not confident I can catch it easily so have bought a lot at 532. Will swing trade this hopefully soon.

oldjoe1 18 Jun 2015

POLY, Chart Looks Very Bullish (GOLD) POLY Polymetal International as a gold producer looks very interesting from a technical view with gold SP increasing.[link]

wannabe idiot 30 Apr 2015

Re: Poly Poly Poly... It's just gone ex-div today, The shares are suspended in Moscow due to some technical issues. Dollar weakness helped rouble a bit recently. But if/when this picks up again .. I think Poly will do well again. It can very well touch 500 before it does though, especially with gold's likelihood of going lower...What's happening with the company itself though... anything interesting?

wannabe idiot 29 Apr 2015

Poly Poly Poly... Anyone know what's the deal with POLY these days? I've not been in tune with it for a while. I know Ruble has recovered plenty .. is this why its like 3% in the doldrums or are there more going on with the comp these days?

bulltraderpt 11 Mar 2015

Re: Gold Bounce and decreasing Rouble [link] disagree WI look above:30 Mar next update I think.

wannabe idiot 15 Jan 2015

Gold Bounce and decreasing Rouble Gold bouncing and Rouble falling ... means decreasing cost and increasing revenue. A good combination for Poly this. 'This cassette is on auto-reverse'.

wannabe idiot 23 Dec 2014

Rouble Bounce and decreasing Gold Rouble bouncing and Gold falling ... means increasing cost and reducing revenue. A bad combination for Poly. This could very well carry on in the new year since Russia is doing everything possible to stop the Rouble rout...

wannabe idiot 24 Nov 2014

Russia granting the bank $2.23B Russia's economy minister said on Monday that the government was in talks over granting state-controlled bank Gazprombank up to 100 billion roubles ($2.23 billion) in state aid from the National Wealth Fund to boost its capital

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