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tornadotony 13 Jan 2017

Huge trade just gone through Looks like a buy.

leperky 21 Dec 2016

Re: Big rise today POLY price has a high correlation to the price of gold.....

the roaster 14 Dec 2016

Big rise today Anyone know why?

II Editor 11 Nov 2016

NEW ARTICLE: Trump behind Dow Jones' near 1,000-point surge " What does a Donald Trump America look like? Who knows? We can speculate, of course, but that's all it is. Indeed, there's such a level of uncertainty around the firebrand businessman's policies it's confusing the heck out of investors.Policies ..."[link]

tornadotony 09 Nov 2016

4th Quarter likely to be strong Compared to other precious metal miners, this should do well as production really cranks up.

Radaking 04 Apr 2016

div dates anyone please? Cannot find the x-div and payment date anywhere.been away.many thanks in advance

mcescher 29 Jul 2015

Polymetal International fundmentals report Looking like a solid dividend payer OLY" target="blank" rel="nofollow">[link]

bulltraderpt 22 Jul 2015

Re: support at 529 Now wondering if the mid 4.50 area will hold given Gold's decisive move down.

bulltraderpt 07 Jul 2015

Re: support at 529 Basic TA stuff really WI, with a get big dose of psychology thrown in for good measure.Basically I am not that sophisticated, hence I use TA as my guide, but when the great bull does come to an end I am hoping it will result in mass panic as various levels get chopped through.Have a look at previous market retracements and you see crowd psychology at work. Obviusly we now have to contend with support and resistance levels which can be manipulated to shake people out of various positions, and hence you now have to adjust your thoughts accordingly.Regarding POLY yes £4.50 is a level but there again now could be a level as it's only 7% or so above the previous low, all depends on those blasted computers and how the algos are programmed with regarding the 'current' Macro environment.Hope that helps. BT

wannabe idiot 07 Jul 2015

Re: support at 529 "I am using previous levels as guides to then see if those specific levels I feel are worth trading in. "I'd be interested to hear more about that Bull. The one figure that draws me to POLY at the minute is 450 since it has closed way below 500 now. But that's 10% away ...

bulltraderpt 07 Jul 2015

Re: support at 529 Yes I see where you are coming from, but given any sell offs / panics (which I am hoping for), will effect all companies across the board I am using previous levels as guides to then see if those specific levels I feel are worth trading in.

wannabe idiot 07 Jul 2015

Re: support at 529 I'm not using ftse as leading indicator for the Precious Metals' related plays but Shanghai, bonds, their futures etc. When I say Panic & Overreaction is in play I mean for them and they have gone from realisation into these next two phases. We may not have seen the end of them of course. Therefore in TA what this translates to (for me) is that I can exploit fib retracements for now but not necessarily a trend change. The reason I like POLY in this play is that its retracements can be sharp (and leading) and this allows me to follow on other plays which tend to pick up late. Also it has costs in ruble which works out as a good hedge (indirectly) when $ is on the increase...As for other equity I want to get into, there are retails and banks such as MRW, HSBA etc and for these I'm being more patient as I think we're not leaving 'realisation' yet...

bulltraderpt 07 Jul 2015

Re: support at 529 I don't yet see panic yet, we might see panic when the ftse is 15% down from it's high then we might get some nice prices, if there is a recovery.Not worked out the various levels just yet.

wannabe idiot 07 Jul 2015

Re: support at 529 Yes I know what you mean. But we've had that macro fears for a while now and it seems today is when realisation has been met. The 'panic' to 'overreaction' stage is now in play which makes me think some fib retracements are due soon. The 502 entry point was a start for me. I may be buying more here...

bulltraderpt 07 Jul 2015

Re: support at 529 Mmmmm not sure the way Mr Market is acting as I type that this is the time for lucky punting, if you get my drift?Watching a lot of resource stocks fall currently, something more to it than just company specifics, Macro fears? Oh yes.

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