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Will 18 Jun 2018

Below 12.5PE After reading this Surplus Energy Economics: SEEDS and the Russian economic riddle I decided to use my Lifetime ISA bonus to buy some Polymetal shares. A precious and industrial metal miner (so positioned for both stagflation and reflation) with a share price currently depressed by US sanctions in an emerging market that looks more robust than many in the face of the coming collapse. It’s fallen a bit more since then, of course.

shugg1e 09 Apr 2018

Re: just bought in And again gold shares getting hit hard today and im not sure why looking at CEY as well

shugg1e 09 Apr 2018

just bought in Seems cheap and has a nice dividend and yield

tornadotony 05 Mar 2018

Fantastic RNS If this does not shift the price up, I am not sure what will. 5% more gold equivalent in RR.

Ripley94 15 Feb 2018

Re: Bought some 08/11/12.52 high / low...1100p / 729.6p .................... P/E 8.6 .. under 10 usually considered cheap.

tornadotony 29 Jan 2018

Below 12.5PE The forward earnings are below 11 PE. The entire December run up is erased. Daily RSI just 30. Getting seriously oversold. No other gold or silver miner getting hit as bad as this one on zero negative news. Rouble rate above 56.3.

tornadotony 24 Jan 2018

Re: 1.433M ounces target beat. The company production is to grow by 21% over two years. The rise in the gold price over 12 months in 2017 was partly off set by the rise in costs but still at a consistently good margin. The company is significantly reducing debt with half the profit awarded as divis. The profit margin in 2017 was a good $450 per ounce over AISC. It is projected to be similar this year on the current gold price but on 10% higher production yet the market has responded with a big drop in its share price. For the first time I have got it wrong on polymetal and I can not understand why. Hopefully more informed opinion will emerge after the conference call. Welcome more views from others here.

tornadotony 24 Jan 2018

1.433M ounces target beat. Only downside is production costs going up with rouble strength and higher oil prices. 2018 targets reiterated. [link]

tornadotony 17 Jan 2018

Now undervalued to major UK listed peers Allowing for debts, gold reserves and resources and a parallel breakdown of costs Polymetal would be 918p if it was running similar to Randgold metrics and 943p when corrected against Centamin (which has no debt but far less gold equivalence). Shanghai gold buying yesterday was 240% above usual volumes for high purity gold bars. Some gold left Comex in New York to probably help meet high demand. Still the net effect was gold to decline which is odd. Over many years the data would suggest a big uplift in gold price. Of course the crypto bitcoin dropped a shed load and this may affect observations. Whether Polymetal has acted in advance of something before its report in 5 trading days time, we shall have to wait and see. The company is certainly likely to meet its production target. The higher oil price and value of rouble is mainly off set by higher gold price for that time of year and also when compared with H1. A similar disruptive pull back pattern on Centamin SP before its report arose and the shares bounced back plus more. Interesting to see if the result proves similar.

tornadotony 17 Jan 2018

Crazy In 2 days the stock is worth less than the rally over an entire month with no RNS news. Gold and silver doing fine. Pull back is with little volume. Dollar has also rallied against rouble. Company is on a 16% growth pathway in 2018. I added at 885 as oversold indicators were appearing. Fresnillo was pulled back as well but not as hard as Polymetal. Oil price also slipping which favours gold and silver miners.

tornadotony 12 Jan 2018

Back in I have always won on this particular share. Maybe its just luck. Any way back in play once again. Lo and behold Shugg here as well.

shugg1e 22 Dec 2017

takeover brewing here A large position being increased in today's RNS i smell something.

shugg1e 18 Oct 2017

News I wonder what news is coming tomorrow based on the suspicious price movements today especially before close.

shugg1e 18 Sep 2017

Re: doubled up today even better buylooking for 730p to double up again

shugg1e 13 Sep 2017

doubled up today took advantage of this crazy weakness with POLY trading at lower levels than when gold was $1250Were over $70 bucks higher now guysits a buy

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