
Polemos Live Discussion

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hobione 18 May 2018

Short squeeze on Watch this rocket!

BOWOOD 11 May 2018

Meeting So at 14.50 today we have been informed that the meeting called for 11 am today has been postponed

meisterx 01 May 2018

Re: Is 0.5p possible? lol

ybhere 01 May 2018

RNS - Holdings in PLMO Dr Nigel Burton is CEO of NU Oil & Gas.YB

ybhere 26 Apr 2018

General Meeting The GM set for 11th May will hopefully reveal where Polemos goes from here. A new investment strategy perhaps otherwise, why go to the bother of Consolidation. So far, the Directors seem to have taken little to no interest in developing the Company. Could do with some new blood on the Board and the CEO Hamish Harris surely has the connections to do so. Though I'm not holding my breath. Resolution 7 - ConsolidationThis is an ordinary resolution seeking approval of the Consolidation.For the avoidance of doubt, the share authorities in resolutions 1 - 5 (inclusive) above are shown on a pre-Consolidation basis and will be adjusted on the basis of the proposed Consolidation ratio of 1 New Ordinary Share for every 100 Existing Ordinary Shares following the passing of resolution 7 above.YB

ybhere 25 Apr 2018

Re: Barge and Pole spring to mind Unless I've missed some News, the only investment Polemos has left is Oyster Oil & Gas. And there's been no news there for a long while.A bit of a puzzle is the following.:- Gunsynd Invests For Further Stake In Oyster Oil & Gas - ADVFN[link] Mar 2018 - Gunsynd Invests For Further Stake In Oyster Oil & Gas. AIM-listed Gunsynd PLC on Thursday said it will invest CAD425,000, or around GBP247,000, in Oyster Oil & Gas Ltd as part of a wider funding... Subscribe now to see this Premium News article from. Start your FREE 1 Month Trial of Alliance NewsThe puzzling bit is I can't see any announcement on Gunsynd or Oyster or Polemos.YB

ybhere 25 Apr 2018

Re: Barge and Pole spring to mind I've been in this for so long I've forgotten why I invested in the first place. I'm also nursing a very big loss. YB

1947MGTC 25 Apr 2018

Barge and Pole spring to mind I've had these since the collapse of Plus Markets and I'm nursing a very big loss. I have no idea what the company does or (purports to do) To misquote Ronald Reagan "If it looks like a dog and barks like a dog ............ it's a dog!!" And probably a dog with fleas.Looking at the last published accounts. this company is a pure "shell." It has no employees other than directors and the only remuneration being paid is to directors. There is no income shown in any form so why might anyone think that this might ever be a "buy?"Taking up the offer and also buying excess at 1p per share is throwing good money after bad in my opinion. I'll stick with my barge pole and leave them well alone. They'll stay in the portfolio until I need to declare the loss for CGT against a proper company. There are better companies out there and if "cheap" is your criterion, it's cheap for a reasonThe only hope might be a sale of the company to perhaps the U.S. for its tax credits but as Michael Ashcroft isn't at the helm, I don't see this happening. I just see this as being purely for the benefit of the Board of Directors.47TC

UrashimaT 07 Apr 2018

Re: Is 0.5p possible? "Looks like a near 50 times increase to me "That's really unfortunate! So, 0.5p clearly not possible in the short run. Perhaps in 5 or even 50 years?Kanpai.

BOWOOD 06 Apr 2018

Re: Is 0.5p possible? Looks like a near 50 times increase to me

UrashimaT 05 Apr 2018

Re: Is 0.5p possible? "I am talking about an equivalent rise from 0.011p to 0.50p without any consolidation at all."Take heart! Only about a fivefold increase necessary - so that should be real easy. All it needs is a few more untenable promises and/or brazen lies coming from the BOD (those guys with the funny job titled) and off she goes. No worries, mate.

BOWOOD 29 Mar 2018

Re: Is 0.5p possible? No way and why announce when the market is closed? 0.007 on Tuesday.

wech 29 Mar 2018

Re: Is 0.5p possible? I am talking about an equivalent rise from 0.011p to 0.50p without any consolidation at all.

BOWOOD 29 Mar 2018

Re: Is 0.5p possible? It could drop to 0.5p once the consolidation takes place on 4 April

wech 28 Mar 2018

Is 0.5p possible? This company has so much to offer with no debt - what is happening here and is 0.5p a possible target price in the next 6 months or so if at all.
