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dazurtrader 18 Jul 2016

Re: PLI losing its way? As a guide to the influence of the biotech style new holdings, BIOG and WWH have both suffered this year but are now picking up, partly due to currency movements - perhaps providing a (vain) hope that PLI will recoup its losses too? I have already halved the cash allocated to PLI and moved it to FGT and EDIN as despite their lower dividends, their SP growth performance is certainly better.As I also own EDIN shares let's hope Mark Barnett keeps his experimentation to PLI!

kapita 23 Jun 2016

Re: PLI losing its way? I have noticed this too, probably happened when Woodford left and Mark Barnett eventually had a reshuffle of the shares, he left Edinburgh unshuffled and they have performed a lot better, only down a couple of percent as against over 8 percent down over the past 12 months for Perpetual I & G. He has gone for a lot of the biotech type aim shares which probably have not performed so well. City of London have performed better too. Do not think there is an easy answer. I shall move some out myself. Hopefully they will even out over the long term, shame though as they were so consistently good in the past. Will check the Annual reports for any clues.Good Luck

dazurtrader 08 Jun 2016

PLI losing its way? I've invested in PLI for 7 years and seen it beat the FTSE 100 and 250 regularly. Add in its good and rising dividends, this has been a core holding.This year it has lost ground and continues to do so. Looking at the underlying holdings I can't see a strong reason for underperformance and will hold until the year end expecting 'normal service' to be resumed. Can anyone throw light (and hope) on the recent performance?
