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luckbyjudgement 27 May 2016

Banzai !!!!!! Not Tora Tora Tora but an OK watch:[link]

luckbyjudgement 11 May 2016

Re: strange reaction Perhaps a worry that CFO=fundraise and hence dilution.

tejo 10 May 2016

strange reaction It seemed to me that the appointment of the new CFO read well and am puzzled by the strange reaction this morning with the sp well down. Of course, the problem with most small caps is that the sp only really moves after results are announced or when there is a meaningful breakthrough. May not be relevant to PIM but farmers everywhere are under the cosh and have little cash to spend.

newguy4 21 Apr 2016

Re: ops appointments Is there anyone else out there waiting for this to move? Bad timing on my part I must admit but I missed the last spike so am just looking forward the next one!Anybody have any news?

newguy4 12 Apr 2016

Re: ops appointments Wow! what happened there? it seems we are now starting to move, I also will hold tight as I think there is a lot more to come from this one IMHO

lambrini girl 04 Feb 2016

Re: ops appointments >>SELL 66p<<BANG ON!!..nailed the TOP...

pi4 21 Dec 2015

Re: Fall I think it's MM's just creating some business for themselves before the Xmas break.

tejo 21 Dec 2015

Fall 20% fall in sp in a few days - is there some bad news known only to a few??

pharmaspecialist 01 Dec 2015

Deal underlines Plant Impact's attractions. Another of my holdings, Croda International, announced a deal today in which they are buying seed enhancement specialist Incotec for £109M. In the announcement of this deal Croda said "Seed enhancement has been identified as a key market opportunity for Croda's Crop Care business". Whilst I am not suggesting that Incotec's business is the same as Plant Impact's I think it does show that Plant Impact is working in a sector which is regarded as very attractive because it offers plenty of growth so Plant Impact's high rating may well be justified.

tejo 04 Sep 2015

FY Results and update Impressive report and exciting outlook. Added more this morning.

PIinterest 05 Aug 2015

Re: CEO options gift To be brutally honest in my opinion if it wasn't for JB taking over I believe the company would have been swallowed up by Arysta some time ago at a cut price which would not have benefitted any of us - at the time the company was hemorrhaging cash at an alarming rate and the city had grown tired of empty promises and missed targetsLet's all just hang on for the next leg of the journey as the company's groundbreaking products are finally gaining traction in the major markets with the firm support of some major players in the agri business

tejo 05 Aug 2015

CEO options gift An elegant post Plinterest in defence of the award. Cash incentives for exceptional performance are one thing, an award of 5% of the company is, in my view, unwarranted. However, if his performance targets are met it will be bonuses for us all!!Would still like to hear from others, if and how, these profits will arise within PIM

PIinterest 04 Aug 2015

Re: Gifts for the CEO Bearing in mind he has almost trebled the share price since taking over as CEO is this really an issue ? I guess not if you have been in on the story for some time and even been directly connected with the company in its earlier years when some extremely difficult and lifechanging decisions had to be taken. For those who have only got on board in recent months maybe this can be seen as a bit of a rip off but is it really - they are pretty steep targets and as the long term sp target by the previous CEO was £2 around 2010 I for one don't begrudge this carrot particularly as in my knowledge apart from his salary JB hasn't yet benefitted hugely from his employment as yet !

tejo 03 Aug 2015

Gifts for the CEO I see that the CEO has been given options that, when vested, give him 5% of the company for doing his job. The options are all agreed by the remuneration committee who, I suspect, would agree anything. However, there are performance targets which, if met, ( and there are various opt out situations) would be good for all. What are the implications for the shareholders. On the one hand it could be argued that we are being ripped off, but then we are used to that iun many companies, but on the other hand it could be argued that the sp targets must be considered a possibility since they have gone to all this trouble to establish them he has already hit several and is in line for a nice payout BUT were we to think that the gross profits and the sp are achievable, the we should buy as much as we can afford. I really do not know and if anybody has some soundly based estimates -as distinct from wishful thinking, this would be most helpful

Prof Hindsights 03 Jul 2015

Re: ops appointments Thanks for putting me on to this a while Here and now

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