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old wise owl 13 Dec 2017

Got to be worth 10p + With the technology a proven this has to be worth 10p+ to a bigger company. Circa £3 million in the bank. No wonder some bottom fishing going on all day.

tejo 13 Dec 2017

Very sad The news is very sad for the people working at the research center since I sense that the company is doomed. Some start ups like Eco Animal Health and Anpario have gone from strength to strength but some fall by the wayside, Plant Impact being one.

biswell2 21 Jun 2017

The recent update ''The Group is in discussions about how they will meet these commitments, including exploring contractual amendments which would enable higher volume product strategies and integrated commercial offers to growers. The outcome of these discussions may impact the full year results and expectations for growth in the next financial year. ''That is a profit warning in my book, they come in 3's most times

PIinterest 21 Jun 2017

Re: Expect more volatility To be completely honest though it would be reassuring to see some director buys etc to reignite confidence for buyers/investors as there has been an absence of this manner of intention for quite some time

pharmaspecialist 21 Jun 2017

Re: Expect more volatility Glad to hear from an ex-employee and it sounds as though you remain reasonably confident in the company's mid to longer term prospects. I think a fundamental question at the moment is whether the company is suffering from lumpy sales, in wich case the share price fall is likely to be an overreaction, or whether there is anything more serious, such as competitors entering the market or a souring in its relationship with Bayer . I went back to my post of June 2014 and my reasons for investing then were the company's access to technologies at Rothampstead and other research instutions and the potential to globally market products derived from these technologies. I think it would be fair to say that the company has had some success in this strategy and new products are still being introduced so as far as I am concerned my reasons for investing are still intact so I will continue to hold with a long term horizon.

PIinterest 21 Jun 2017

Re: Share price Fragile and hopeful maybe but knowing the circumstances behind certain elements within the company I personally feel that a buyout won't actually happen unless it ticks certain boxes - the company and its supporters have been waiting for the 'big boom' with its technology and I feel they will still be clinging to this belief while there is still cash in the bank and increasing revenue, although maybe only for another 12 to 18 months through the next growing season (or 2 at most)

tejo 21 Jun 2017

Share price Clearly Pinterest you have a good insight into the business but I am struggling to see from where and when substantial profits will arise to support the type of valuations that you mention. I think it all looks very fragile.

PIinterest 21 Jun 2017

Re: Expect more volatility Given the purchase prices and option values of the historical Director's & Institutional deals I think it unlikely any sale would be sanctioned much below £1 per share (as an ex employee I'm also aware of the 'exit price' that was discussed many times given the technology in question and although £1 is significantly below that level maybe they would relinquish given the recent performance - although there is still cash in the bank and some traction, albeit slow) Personally I'm considering a top up if it falls to 35p or slightly lower as a possible chance at a little boost to my retirement fund - I was hoping for £3 to £4 a share back in 2012 but feel that's way beyond expectations now

tejo 19 Jun 2017

Expect more volatility Whilst broadly agreeing, it is of concern that the company is, in effect, largely dependent on Bayer for survival. I regard this as one of my small cap ventures that has probably gone wrong which happens from time to time, but not worth selling now.

pharmaspecialist 19 Jun 2017

Expect more volatility I think the take home message from the company's update was expect more volatility as the company is buffeted by a variety of factors including take-up of new products, customer inventories, modification of agreements with Bayer Crop Science, currency movements etc. However, the company is continuing to develop and commercialise products and revenues are continuing to increase so I am happy to hold but would certainly not object if Bayer decided to acquire Plant Impact at significantly over 50p per share.

BurglarBill 08 Jun 2017

Re: Good news for Fortalis [link] is: Fortalis test, result of 20 plants per sample. Applied in R1. Var: NA5009 .. In South of Córdoba.Sin Fortalis = Without FortalisCon Fortalis = With FortalisCompelling...

Pyttius 23 Feb 2017

Good news for Fortalis Forward into the USA:[link]

tejo 07 Dec 2016

Interesting article There was an interesting article in yesterday's FT (page 16) about a crop enhancement treatment for maize provided by a Danish company called Novozymes who are in partnership with Monsanto soon to be taken over, probably, by Bayer. Too complicated for me to repeat here but by fungi coating the seeds, the crop yield is increased by 2%. Points that emerge, to me anyway, are that co-operation with Bayer is crucial to Plant Impact, that there are potential strong competitors around, patent protection is vital, huge opportunities if the product really works.

kevyd33 01 Nov 2016

Re: Results higlight very long term investme... I would hope a weaker pound would improve profitability.

tejo 31 Oct 2016

Results higlight very long term investment Personally, I found the annual results very mixed and not entirely inspiring. It is clear that it will be a very long time before there are dividends on the way and that the support of Bayer continues to be essential.It seems they recognise the need to focus better and not try and service too many countries at once. PIM is a tiny company with good leverage if things go well but seems overstretched. This is evident in that its products are not "must have" and need direct support in order to gain traction.They are expanding the sales effort and continuing to invest in R and D which is right, indeed essentialRevenues may improve somewhat in the current year but so will costs and this trend is likely to continues for some time. There is still plenty of potential but in terms of profits and dividends this has to be seen as a very long term investment. imho

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