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winningstreak 01 Apr 2015

Dividend yield At share price 130p, and at current year's forecast Dividend of 7.2p (see brokers' consensus forecast at Morningstar) the dividend yield amounts to a handsome 5.5%, rising to 6% next year. I rather like that kind of yield.wsP.S. Feels like I am the only one chatting on this site. Any different views, please respond.

winningstreak 26 Mar 2015

Re: H1 Results Should market expectations of EPS 20p for the full year indeed be met,(which is likely, according to management's statement this morning) then the shareprice will almost certainly rise above 200p, probably region 240p, which is close on double the current price 128p. I topped up twice this morning,1700 & 5000 shares,although neither of the transactions is showing on the Trades list.Cheers,ws

winningstreak 26 Mar 2015

H1 Results Results in line with profit warning, but somehow better than I personally had expected.Looks like H2 will be much better - see statement in section Dividend : 'The Boardremains confident that the Company will meet marketing expectations for the full year'.Full year EPS are forecast to come in at 20p (broker consensus, source Morningstar).I am looking to top up.WS


Re: Trading Update LAST eps I saw was 20p.My 1.00 target gets closer.Tiger

winningstreak 29 Jan 2015

Re: Trading Update Tiger - Forecast EPS was 36.5p for the current financial year, rising to 40pthe next year. (Source: Morningstar).Cheers,


Re: Trading Update Forgive me..........I was just putting forward a possible situation.I certainly do not see them as "sunk" but carrying 29 million of debt which is close to market cap is fairly well geared.These multiple boys are ruthless and mean.I have seen previous issues that have reflected bad weather etc.We had 40 shops selling fresh produce we now have 3. The others are all let out. Things change.Not done a great deal on this so give me some time.What was forecast EPS this year?Tiger

winningstreak 29 Jan 2015

Re: Trading Update Tiger - I very much doubt profits will be down as far as what yousuggest, but even if that were the case, the Company will not be sunk, and next year might prove a bumper year with EPS rising to 40p. Advance price agreements with the growers for this year's crops will be made on a lower level than last year, which in turnshould secure tidy margins for Produce Invest. I don't think for a minute that management is asleep here.WS


Re: Trading Update One very big assumption in that.............down 30%............. WHAT IF.......They are down 80% ?The DIVI may go as well.I think 1.00 may happen here.Long term they are a hold because someone like Fyffes/total produce will have them if only for the jersey contract.I am in this field and its tough right now.Tiger

winningstreak 29 Jan 2015

Trading Update Today's trading update disappoints, but surely the share price need notbe this low. Earnings are now forecast to be 'significantly below current market expectations'. Well, current market expectations are EPS 36.5p for this year. Take that down by say 30% and we are looking at EPS 24p.Is that the end of the world? Not in my eyes it is. And then there is still the dividend of 7.5p a share to look forward to, ajuicy return of 5.4% on current share price 139p..Clearly I wish I has bought today instead of yesterday, but as I said, I am in here for the long term.Having been closely connected with agriculture, I am well acquaint with seasonal ups and downs. Almost invariably after a down, there is an up.Cheers,WS

winningstreak 28 Jan 2015

Re: Cheap... Topped up today at 171p, had no plans to buy more, but could notresist it at this low price. Should the price go any lower yet then I mighteven have another go, will find the funds from somewhere. However, I doubt we shall see a much better opportunity to buy in on the cheap cheap than right now, today.Cheers,wsP.S I intend to hold long term.

winningstreak 28 Nov 2014

Re: Cheap... Now at 200p, how much cheaper do the shares need to get before folks can see the bargain value here? I hold enough for my balanced portfolio and would not normally buy more, but now tempted to top up...Or has someone knowledge of bad news on the horizon? If so, pleaselet us
